Oracle Card Reveal 08/07

Oracle Card Reveal 08/07

Take a deep breath. Choose two or four of the crystals pictured in the cover photo. Don't second guess yourself. They are numbered 1 through 4 on the top row and 5 through 8 on the bottom row.

Scroll down for your divine message. 

One. Passion.

Crystal: Labradorite.
When we use the word passion, we usually refer to a strong feeling for something or someone. It could be a burning desire, or feeling of enthusiasm or intense emotion. Passion expresses itself powerfully, like a burning hot fire, as it radiates out from our core. This power cannot be hidden, it demands expression. We long for an emotion that is so strong that all we can do is surrender to its power. At the same time, we fear this kind of emotion because we are afraid of losing ourselves, our sense of who we are, in the eye of the passions storm within us. But there is Clarity and insight to be found in this storm once we have withstood the heat of the fire and have held our balance in the midst of the Blazing Inferno. Only then can we move to the centre and find the Insight at passions core. The passion activation reveals this process of powerful Insight through its purple core, its demand for expression, and the storm of intense feelings and emotions all around. It invites us to become aware of and to burn away anything that stands in the way of finding the valuable insights at its core. And although it could be enjoyable to feel these intense emotions, we cannot stay in this heat for very long without getting burned. Passion is a motivating energy, it fuels our zest for not only each other in love, but also our passion for life. Take time during this expansive energy to reunite yourself with the simplicity of the true beauty of life and what feeds your joy! Dance in the rain, go for a hike, sit and watch a sunset, play some of your favorite uplifting tunes. Embrace your passion, steer clear of what is does not feel joyful, stop trying to force things in your life that move you away from the joy you are here to explore and experience.

Two. Romantic Love.

Crystal: Blue Lace Agate.
Love is probably the most sought-after, mysterious, indeterminate and fulfilling feeling that a human can experience. It's mystery Shirley derives from the fact that we cannot really describe or Define what it is. Is it an energy? Is it an emotion? Perhaps it is simply the glue that binds everything together? Whatever it is, we know without a doubt when we feel loved and when we love. As vibrational beings, we hold a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and our emotions. And from that vibrational point of attention, we attract everything else into our reality. Love is one of the highest frequencies. When we are in a state of love, we easily attract circumstances and people into our reality that are aligned with that frequency. As well as people who are not, fade away and or show us their true colours. The love that is so desired and fulfilling for many is romantic love, the love we experience with another when we are in love. The expression of, being in love, suggests that it is a place where we can be, not just a feeling that we have. When we are in love, we feel completely surrounded and engulfed by it, we are in the middle of it with no awareness of where it begins or where it ends. Our world becomes love and we feel more complete. This journey of becoming whole and complete within can be taken alone, but many prefer this support of another. But the idea that another is merely a reflection of that which we need in order to complete ourselves and achieve a state of wholeness leads many to misconceptions and expectations in romantic relationships. The most that any lover can do for us is bring us closer to ourselves. By focussing on our own heart and soul, we invite our lover to do the same. When both lovers are conscious of this, a romantic relationship can be deeply for filling and supportive of our individual quest for completeness. The romantic love image on the card shows a flower that pours out vibrancy and intensity from its Center, the source that we are all connected to. There is an unmistakable beauty that moves and attracts Beyond reason, it is simply inviting us to dive in. The colours suggest the delicious richness that we feel when we allow deep absorption. The bright blue background indicates both the vast universe that is at the origin of every energy and the clear expression that romantic love invites us into. The colour pink is associated with the universal love of oneself and others, with sweetness, tenderness and Care. Brighter pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy and power. Red refers to the  Physical plane, the place where we desire to experience this love. Attune with your inner love, the love of self, your inner Divine Source and you will truly gain deeper understanding to the true vibration of Universal Divine love and all of its healing power.

Three. Divine Masculine.

Crystal: Citrine.
Three-dimensional reality is based on The Duality between opposites and their external movement toward Union. Everything is created in pairs, male and female, matter and spirit, empty and full, dark and light, and so on. Without the tension caused by the magnetic push and pull duels, there would be no movement, without movement there would be no Life as We Know It. When the push-and-pull opposites is equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and The Feminine have to reach a State of Union, both outward, in relationship to each other, as well as in word, in a valid state of heart, mind and soul. The masculine and feminine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood and expressed. Now that we are moving into a new energy, the enhanced qualities of these two opposites in human nature are emerging and urging us to let go of the rules we have traditionally assigned in the past, allowing a new masculinity and new femininity to arise. The Divine masculine is strong, directed, sensual and balanced yet conscious, gentle and compassionate, able to facilitate the expression of the divine feminine. This masculinity is focussed, active and intrinsically connected to the material and physical world, providing security, structure and reason. The dark blue refers to the vast and Dark Universe. The swirling circles in the background represent other dimensions and star systems Beyond this Earth that are at our origin. All the straight lines are the linear aspects associated with the masculine. The crystals and diamond shape symbolize the Beauty and the immeasurable value that truly expressed masculinity holes. The spirals refer to the flowing feminine nature that is also part of a true divine masculine daddy. The number for represents the form based world we live in.

Four. Communication.

Crystal: Azurite.
Communication is the process of sharing information between a sender and a recipient. For humans, this usually takes place through spoken and written words, gestures, behaviours or touch but it can also happen through the more subtle languages, Lake chemistry and energetics. Communication is at the core of all relationships, whether interpersonal, between people, or the way in which our inner world and body talk to us. While words have predominantly being the way humankind has communicated for most of its modern history, the new energy invites us, even requires us, to develop our abilities to receive, translate and share the messages that are rise from the depths of us. Most of these messages will emerge as feelings and intuitive thoughts and we might find that the words we have been using for so long hold far more complex and subtle energies then we ever imagined. And that leads to realizing more expanded and subtle meanings as well. The dolphins that squirrel inside the four circles at this activation are representative of the Mastery of relationships. They support the Awakening and developing of subtle Communications while reminding us to keep a playful attitude as we learned these new skills. Meanwhile, the number for represents the form based World in which we live. It is a reminder about the importance of applying all that we learn to the reality we collectively choose to create on this plane. The triangles in the middle represent the inner Union and balance between the feminine and the masculine. The upward large triangle symbolizes the connection to source and the Abundant lose indicate an open throat chakra, so clear and unrestricted that communication flows effortlessly. Green represents the presence of an open heart, allowing love and compassion to pour into the external without restriction and boundaries. The turquoise represents the high heart, the place where the energies from the heart and knows from the throat into the loving expression of truth and the surrounding Deep Purple space represents the origin of clear, insightful perception through an open third eye. This Divine energy flowing onto and into all of us at this time, give all the opportunity to communicate in the highest form of love and understanding. Take time to MEDITATE, be still and breathe, to simple be present, to welcome this influx and ebb and flow with all of its glorious Divinity.

Five. Belief.

Crystal: Celestite (Celestine)
Belief is one of the most powerful driving forces toward action and change. Believe can be described as the state of mind we experience when we think that something is true. Up until now, it has mostly been our conscious mind that has determined whether or not we believe something. If there is enough evidence, logical and scientific facts, and supporting of a thing, we consider it to be true and therefore, believe it. And the new energy, it isn't enough to rely solely on our analytical and logical mind to determine our truth and our beliefs. Our world is rapidly being saturated with more and more multi-dimensional elements, like memories from other lifetimes or Dimensions, enhanced extrasensory and psychic abilities and an altered sense of time, to name a few oh, that require us to change the way we think. And science has not caught up on enough to provide our minds with sufficient evidence to make sense of this multidimensionality. We have to rely on other parts of ourselves, beyond the conscious mind, to navigate through this exciting New World. We are in the process of discovering how crucial our heart and our intuition are, that they need to be considered as valuable as our analytical mind, in determining our beliefs. To thrive in this new energy as cool creational, multi-dimensional human beings who are in control of their reality, it is essential that we believe we are these beings. Southworth is crucial. We have to believe without a shred of doubt that we are powerful creators. Just as magic requires a deep and unwavering conviction on the part of the magician, we have to believe that anything is possible, especially those things that make no sense to our logical mind. Changing our reality starts with a deeply rooted belief that we can. The colour pink is associated with the universal love of oneself and others, with sweetness, tenderness and Care. Writer pink brings in an aspect of aliveness, excitement, high energy and power. The star in the middle can be a beacon of inspiration, indicating our connection to the heavens, source and the universe that source our beliefs. If necessary, however, the star can be used as a Japanese throwing star, a precise and powerful weapon, indicating the power of conviction that is sometimes necessary to blast our way through old ways of thinking. Belief, knowing and trusting in yourself, in your connection to Source, in your purpose and journey to it; now is the time. Embrace and explore the depth of all you are and know you were born to live a joyous life, to create and experience, to trust and self empower. You believe in a higher power which you are not separate from, now the time has come to have the same belief in you!

Six. Universal Love.

Crystal: Black Onyx.
Love is probably the most sought-after, mysterious, indeterminate and fulfilling feeling that a human can experience. It's mystery Shirley derives from the fact that we cannot really describe or Define what it is. Is it energy? Is it a motion? Perhaps it is simply the glue that binds everything together? Whatever it is, we know without a doubt when we feel loved and when we love. As vibrational beings, we hold a frequency that aligns with the frequency of our thoughts and our emotions. And from that vibrational point of attention, we attract everything else into our reality. Love is one of the highest frequencies. When we are in a state of love, we easily attract circumstances and people into our reality that are aligned with that frequency. Human beings are capable of feeling deep compassion and love, not just for one another but for all life in general. How do you describe what a parent feels towards their child, or how friends feel towards each other, or the love between siblings, among family members, for pets or even the way we feel about our planet and its inhabitants? Love is a powerful force that drives our actions, motivates our behaviours and can change the course of our lives. And perhaps the very reason that we are capable of such deep feeling is that nothing fuels our desire for Change and evolution more than the love that we are able to feel. When we remember that everyone and everything is connected to the same Source, we can overcome any perceived differences and join our power toward a more conscious reality, one based on love. The deep blue background represents the universe, the space in which all exists. Flowers have been traditionally used to express love, affection, admiration and intention. The Flower of Life represents the grid on which our three-dimensional world is based. Red represents the physical plane and the passion we feel when we love. The flower in the middle refers to the Thousand petaled Lotus, a symbol of the crown chakra and our connection to source and Universal knowledge. The colour green indicates an open heart that is capable of love and compassion. We are all born from Universal Love and it is in our very core, our intrinsic selves. Now is the time to delve deeper into yourself and attune with that power, with all that you are and to remember that love is the answer. Universal love is not the same as human love as Universal Love is truly unconditional, where as humans love with conditions. Know that it is possible to love the entirety of all without sacrifice, know that your journey home to Unconditional Universal love, is about love your journey, all of it! There is forgiveness for self and others there, freedom from attachment to suffering, judgement, pain, freedom for all to be who and what they are without the need for attachment. Hold love for all, even those who caused suffering, as they are part of your journey, and thus can be lovingly released. Doing this frees you from old outdated energy that was only here to serve as a gateway to growth and understanding, a gateway to find your way home to yourself.

Seven. Soul Time.

Crystal: Malachite.
As part of a duality based world, the concept of time has being defined throughout human history in linearity with a past, a present and the future. We look back at where we came from, apply Lessons Learned to our present, and move forward with Expressions that are derived from the past. Linear time has being comprehensible and has made our future somewhat predictable. The story of our human history is told from the Viewpoint that we are born into this world once and leave when we physically die. A straightforward story. Now that we are Awakening into a consciousness of a much larger story than a singular Lifetime on Earth and a defined, three-dimensional reality, we slowly start to realize that time as we know it no longer applies. Besides going back into the past and going forward into the future, we find spaces that are far and in-between spaces that are infinite and nonlinear. We have arrived in the sole time. Soul Time means having access to all the experiences that the soul has been through, is going through and will go through, all in any given moment that we choose. To demonstrate this evolution of linear time, the sole time activation has been created from a repetition of the infinity sign. The purple refers to our connection to the higher Realms and Source, a connection that needs to be securely established in order for us to experience time outside the reality of three dimensionality. The yellow is our inner power and the way we manifest ourselves here on Earth. The hexagon in the image refer to the form based World, which is linear and three-dimensional, yet an equal part and component in our experience of reality and time. Meditate and take time to listen to your soul, to feel the infinite depths of all you are and all you are becoming. Becoming is a constant ebb and flow, a journey home to your instinct self, we may live in three dimensionality but our truth is a powerful co-creator to manifest our hearts desires.

Eight. Empowerment.

Crystal: Super 7.
Empowerment refers to the process of enabling, or giving power to. And we typically associate power with strength. In the new energy however, strength not only refers to the totality of everything that makes us strong on the outside, like our physical form and shape, but includes the inner qualities of wisdom, balance, flexibility, adaptability and courage. Our true power is deeply rooted in our knowing of who we are, our connection to source and self. When we are clear about who we are, we can be clear about what we are here to do. This Clarity is empowering. In the empowerment image, we see human shapes with their arms over their heads, referring to the state of completeness that every human can reach on their own. They also show us the power of our connection, because we are all connected to the same Source, we can overcome any perceived differences and combine our power toward a more conscious reality. All the shapes and gradations of blue refer to our ability to express ourselves in the world. Blue is also considered to be the colour of Truth. The red in the centre refers to our ability to ground and identify ourselves in the physical world, red stimulates courage, strength, power and determination. And the yellow balls emerging from the middle refer to the inner power that flows from our Center on to the grid of the Flower of Life, the basis of our form based reality. You are a co-creator of this life and when you release stagnant energy, old unhealthy ways of being, unhealthy lower vibrational people, places and things, you free yourself. Empowerment is ebb and flow, it is releasing attachments, suffering, chaos. Your power is within, the more you do for your journey in healing and being joyful, the more you empower the collective by way of ripple effects. You are not here to heal the world individually, you are here to heal collectively beginning with you. Your empowerment is within, that is where your purpose is.

- Allison Shaw

Spiritual Practitioner, Medium and Reiki Healer



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