August Forecast
Hello August
July was a very active month energetically with the Schumann resonance, solar activity, retrogrades, planetary alignments, timeline shifts and so much more. July's light activations helped shine light on everything that we needed to shed once and for all, propelling us to create space for August's month of rest and receiving and getting out of our own way energy. August is a calmer month although it starts off with Mercury adding to the retrogrades in play already. We all must remember that with any astrological aspects, transits, Full Moons, New Moons etc., it is always in how you CHOOSE to work with the energy through surrender and adaptability. Don't swim upstream, use your healthy toolbox to embrace the ebb and flow of life and release the desire to control the uncontrollable as all we truly have control over is ourselves, how we feel, what we give our attention to, what we believe to be true, our thoughts and so forth. Our beliefs create our reality and working from a place of balance, self love, authenticity and openness with mindful practices supports your growth and expansion. Try things that bring you joy ie: listening to your favorite high vibe playlist, journaling, doing a healing ritual, resting, meditating, dancing, walking, snuggling with your pet, or simply being still and enjoying your own company. Whatever it is you resonate with, simply ensure it is what feels good to you and do so without attachment or an agenda, be present and listen to your inner self, your authentic self.
Towards the end of July many experienced integration/expansion symptoms as our physical bodies integrated the light energy which we have never physically felt before and the Schumann Resonance was an integral part of that as we were literally flooded with light high frequency energy. Many experienced allergy symptoms (whether you have allergies or not), back pain/stiffness, head pressure, neck pain/stiffness, nausea, body aches, sleep disruptions, vivid dreams, throat issues, emotional, edgy, restless,and much more. This high frequency has flooded our body helping to clear our Chakras, Meridians and energetic body in alignment with our physical because or physical body is dense and our light body is, well, light, so it has been a labor of love from our Divine support to help us although it may have felt less than Divine. Many of us felt a blissful energy during this even though our physical body may have felt challenged, it as always has been for our highest good and surrendering to it allows the ease of transformation.
Let's talk about retrogrades! Retrograde periods are times for looking inward, reviewing, reflecting, reevaluating our goals, structures, and the foundations we’ve built.One of the most powerful and important retrogrades is in play until October and a few others that add to retrograde energy overall. If you have been struggling to release what no longer serves you, it's imperative to understand you are the only one who has the power to move forward and allow new energy into your life that is aligned with who you are now rather than who you have been. Letting go of anything that feels out of alignment, anything that causes conflict, anything that feels forced or inauthentic has all been brought to surface in order for you to shed the old, creating space for the new and what is for you. When we allow ourselves to remain in energy that is no longer aligned we hold ourselves hostage and stagnant in a fear based reality causing a sense of emotional paralysis and not embracing change. Many fear the unknown, letting go of what is familiar, hold attachments to what was, but none of us are who we were, so it's important to be who we are in this moment and embrace our connection to our authentic selves, finding balance in our human and Source.
There is much to benefit from solitude, silence and being present as it opens us further to our inner knowing and our Spirit team. July brought light into the places in yourself that needed to be seen, heard, loved, understood,freed, all for our highest good and opening your heart chakra to your authentic truth was key. Listen to your team rather than the fear based energy that may whisper to you, know the difference, feel the difference and most importantly trust in your wholeness and the chance necessary to live your most beautiful authentic life. What awaits on the other side of fear, stagnancy and outdated things is more incredible than your human can possibly imagine but you have to trust and see past the local thinking mind, connecting your heart chakra to your higher mind. Call in your team, ask for support, allow them to help you, and do the things that guide you to a deeper connection to your wholeness and your authentic power, be fearless in your oneness.
We currently have Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn which is very substantial energy for all of us individually as well as collectively. The spiritual power of Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn during 2024 has a plethora of elements involving deep transformation, introspection, societal shifts, personal expansion and alignment and much more. Aquarius is associated with innovation, technology, and humanitarian efforts and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius encourages deep reflection on societal structures and personal beliefs about community and progress. This is a time of deep reevaluation of how we engage with technology, society, and collective goals through a unity consciousness. There may be a sense of internal rebellion against outdated beliefs, societal expectation, outdated systems as well as connections with others who may not be on the same frequency. Aquarius represents the collective, and Pluto’s transformative energy leads to significant shifts in how communities operate as we shift into a place of increased focus on collective well-being and a push for more egalitarian and inclusive structures. Capricorn is connected to authority, structures, and long-term goals calling for introspection about power dynamics and the role of authority in our lives manifesting in ways that lead to questioning leadership, corporate practices, and government policies. We finally remember we are the power in our lives and no longer comply blindly to a hierarchical society and instead embrace balance and knowing we have the ability to create a structure of community, compassion and unity for all of our highest and greatest good. This involves revisiting and revising systems that no longer serve the greater good, leading to potential reforms in institutions and organizations overall with the transition of Pluto retrograde from Aquarius to Capricorn, signifying a journey from visionary ideals to practical implementation and a time for envisioning new possibilities (Aquarius) and then grounding those visions into reality by restructuring existing frameworks (Capricorn). It's important to understand and align with the energies of Pluto retrograde as it provides a powerful opportunity for personal and collective growth. Open your heart and mind to the fact you are the creator of your life experiences and embrace your authentic power in creating the world from within you to shine in the physical world, you are the power of the Universe.
Neptune's retrograde in Pisces until December, has potent energy for inner spiritual work and emotional healing which continues to invite deep healing from past wounds, especially those related to emotions, spirituality, and personal dreams, offering us time to address and heal these issues, allowing for emotional release and transformation. Neptune's influence governs spirituality, compassion, and connection to the divine and during the retrograde, there's a strong pull towards spiritual practices, meditation, and contemplation and an ideal time to deepen your spiritual understanding and reconnect with your higher self on a daily basis. Neptune is the planet of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious and heightens sensitivity to the unseen and spiritual realms pushing us all to trust your inner voice and pay attention to your dreams and intuitive inner guidance. Neptune blurs the lines between reality and illusion and when retrograde, lifts the veil on deceptions, both self-imposed and from others, shining light in the shadows of any hidden truths, and time of revelations for what needs to come to light. It's an opportunity to confront and dissolve illusions, helping you see situations and people more clearly and as they are. Neptune also rules creativity and imagination, helping unblock creative potential, making it a fertile period for artistic endeavors and imaginative pursuits and is a good time to engage in creative activities that inspire and uplift your heart and mind.
Saturn's retrograde in Pisces until November carries the energy of a time for introspection, reassessment, and dealing with unfinished business, particularly in the areas governed by the sign it is transiting. Saturn is seen as the planet of Karma and justice and rules both Aquarius and Capricorn which is significant due to the Pluto retrograde. Saturn retrograde often brings up past issues and karmic lessons encouraging us to address and resolve unfinished business when challenges resurface, asking for patience and a renewed commitment to overcoming, healing and growth. Saturn in Pisces is a deeply spiritual and intuitive sign, it emphasizes the need for spiritual discipline and emotional maturity offering a time to strengthen your spiritual practices and connect more deeply with your inner world, higher self and Divine Spirit team. Pisces rules over emotions, compassion, and healing bringing to surface old emotional wounds that need healing, thus being a good time to work through these feelings and seek emotional closure. Pisces is also associated with dreams, illusions, and the unconscious and with Saturn's influence this asks us to confront our illusions, face reality in what no longer is aligned, examine boundaries in relationships while ensuring you’re not overextending yourself or becoming too absorbed in others' problems, drama or hostility.
Chiron the wounded healer retrogrades in Aries until December and has a deep meaning of healing old wounds, reflection and in Aries, it emphasizes healing related to self-identity, courage, and personal empowerment. This period can bring up past wounds related to self-esteem, assertiveness, and independence with the opportunity to address and heal any issues that may linger in the conscious or unconscious self. Aries’ energy encourages facing wounds with courage, openness, patience, understanding and bravery, it’s about taking initiative and responsibility in one’s healing journey. True healing involves embracing vulnerability and acknowledging pain or lingering issues, in order to support opening up fully to healing processes. Healing these wounds leads to personal empowerment and a stronger sense and understanding of self offering a great time to reclaim personal power in alignment with your authentic self. Utilize this energy for your betterment, your deepest healing and be open to support and using your healing tools, your freedom lies within when you choose to heal. Healing is a very intimate journey and when you allow yourself to be open to different modalities and support, you allow a deeper connection with your authentic power in healthy and infinitely beneficial ways.
Now let's talk about August! This month brings a more calm and relaxed energy (especially if you've done the inner work), which is more self reflective and peaceful, based in a sense of rest and receive. It's a powerful time to go within and allow the ease of life to guide you, the connectedness of who you are authentically and the power that you have, in simply being you. We tend to want to make sense of things logically as humans as a desire to comprehend the “how/when/why” in a 3D energy, but as we have shifted timelines we are in a place of high knowing where the “need” to comprehend diminishes and the knowing is empowered.
What this means is we trust more in the “knowing" than in the need for our human mind to comprehend, stepping out of the outdated programming of “see it to believe it” and fully integrate the know it/believe it and it is shown. When we “see” in our minds eye, in our inner knowing, we are like projectors and project our inner knowing into our physical reality. Remember this also holds true for the things we may not want that are based in a 3D fear based reality, which plays into “what we think about we bring about” hence why mindfulness, self awareness and inner work is vital in living a harmonious human life.
August is a big month for manifesting and creating our hearts desires into our human experience and existence and we must understand manifesting is not creating something out of nothing, but aligning with the frequency of our desires. We have dreams and desires simply due to the fact they already exist on another frequency and timeline, some may say from a future self or other dimension and in order to have these human experiences, we must become the vibrational match to where they exist. This is one of the most simple and complicated ideals of spirituality as it challenges our logical mind to “believe” in what it cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or taste with our physical senses. This is one of the reasons our inner work is so incredibly vital to our human experiences, we must reprogram ourselves and integrate a higher frequency through our healing in order to release the blocks created through our past human physical experience and programming. We have stepped out of a frequency (through ancestral healing), where our ancestors suffered, sacrificed, and had a mindset of it takes blood, sweat and tears to achieve, due to what we'd call “powers that be (used to be)”, a society of hierarchy and enslavement in every way. Collective brainwashing into “thinking” we had to engage in a certain way of life in order to survive and provide for our loved ones through serving and focusing on the exterior.
In actuality it has always been about going within and knowing that each of us are the creative power of our “pocket Universe” meaning we all have everything we need within us and once we integrate that understanding, that knowing, we become unstoppable. We each are the center of our “pocket Universe” and create our lives through our thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc., and that historically was based in the 3D (fear, lack, powerlessness), and now we have shifted and continue to shift timeliness integrating a 5D consciousness. Your higher consciousness is aligned with your wholeness and your authentic self in a harmonious balance of knowledge you are human and Source, co-creator with the creator of worlds. We are not one of the other but BOTH, coexisting in harmony, peace, passion, creativity and so much more.
August holds the vibration of the number 6 in our astrological calendar and in numerology, the number 6 is associated with nurturing, balance, responsibility, and harmony. The number 6 is often referred to as the "motherhood" number, symbolizing nurturing, care, and compassion and is associated with domestic responsibility and a desire to provide and care for self and others in healing aligned ways. The number 6 holds the frequency of balance, particularly in relationships and home life, emphasizing the importance of creating harmony and peace in one’s inner and outer world. When we embrace the frequency of the number 6 we engage with healing energies and compassion, helping us to understand the importance of contributing to the well-being of ourselves and others and creating positive, nurturing environments. When we look after ourselves 1st we show selflessness as it gives us the energy to give from our healed and fulfilled self, like they say you cannot give from an empty cup. When we give from the overflow of our proverbial cup, we give from our authentic self, our healthy and best version of ourselves without draining our own energy. And then we are able to offer support, love, and healing to others, often taking on the role of a caregiver or healer to those we love as well as the collective.
It's important to remember, each of our individual well-being contributes to and raises the frequency of the collective, each of us matter and are a vital piece of the proverbial puzzle of our highest timelines. The number 6 highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one’s spiritual path, our actions, mindfulness, self awareness, while urging us to be accountable for our choices and to act with integrity, compassion, and ethical consideration. 6 also supports and encourages us in aligning with inner peace and stability, promoting that true harmony comes from within and that creating a balanced inner life reflects in the outer world. 6 is also associated with the DivineFeminine energy, embodying qualities such as nurturing, intuition, interconnectedness, creativity, intuition, emotional depth/intelligence and invites us to connect with these aspects of ourselves to honor the Divine Feminine strength in all of us. The Divine Feminine energy is grounded in a place of receiving, being, allowing, listening, absorbing, nurturing, awakening your eternal self and quieting the 3D mind (logical overthinking mind), in order to relax into your heart and higher mind in pure connection with your Source/Soul self.
In our Calendar year August represents number 8 which is associated with power, abundance, and material success, signifying balance, authority, and the infinite flow of energy and life. 8’s link to power, leadership, and authority represents strength and the ability to achieve significant accomplishments through self leadership and being the change you wish to see in the world. Choosing to be inspiring and guiding others in how to wield power responsibly, and ethically, while leading with integrity and love to achieve balance, representing fairness, compassion and the principle of cause and effect. 8 is relevant for developing resilience and personal empowerment showing us the importance of how to harness inner strength and overcome perceived obstacles and turning challenges into opportunities for growth, expansion and alignment as it is all about the perspective we choose.
8 is strongly associated with financial success, material wealth, abundance, prosperity, infinite wealth and success in making a tangible impact in the world as 8 is the infinity symbol representing the eternal flow of energy, signifying continuity, and the interconnectedness of all things. Understanding we as individuals and unity consciousness live in a Universe of infinite abundance and creation. Manifesting our human experiences through a place of higher consciousness that we now recognize as a birthright and knowing each of us are worthy of living a beautiful human existence which is tangible through our creative energy, alignment and authentic power. 8 emphasizes the importance of karmic balance and the law of cause and effect, teaching us that our actions have consequences and that integrity and love are essential for spiritual growth and harmony in living a life of peace, happiness, passion and limitless possibilities. Understanding the relevance of 8 in the dynamics of wealth and abundance comes through a balanced approach to financial matters, promoting both material success and spiritual fulfillment without attachment, force or ill will and instead through personal empowerment, alignment, mindfulness and self-mastery. It inspires us to take control of our lives, release control of the uncontrollable, embrace our strengths, and overcome challenges with confidence. 8 signifies spiritual strength, resilience, connection with our higher purpose while aligning material pursuits with spiritual values that encourages a balanced approach to achieving success while staying true to one’s spiritual path.
We step into August in the Mercury retrograde shadow period which began the last week of July and it's important to remember retrogrades are about reviewing, revising and transformation for our highest good!
August 2nd
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus highlights a period of potential disruption and transformation in love and financial matters. By embracing the changes with openness, understanding, ebb and flow, and embracing authenticity, you'll navigate this aspect with greater awareness and harness its transformative power for personal and spiritual growth. This time encourages us to break free from the old while welcoming new and liberating energies. We are also in the shadow of the new moon in our fiery Leo as well as Venus entering Virgo this week, you may experience a relationship undergoing some difficult but much needed changes or unexpected developments. It's important to remember change is necessary for growth and practicing healthy non-attachment is important.
August 4th
New Moon in Leo
This new moon in Leo harmonizes with Mars and Jupiter, calling forth energy that enhances feelings from our fiery Leo energy with confidence, self assurance and optimism and a chance to take bold steps towards your goals and embrace new opportunities as they unfold through trusting your higher intuition. There's an emphasis on personal expression, leadership, and living authentically encouraging us to be open to new beginnings in different aspects of our lives, particularly in alliance with our creative self-expression as well as romantic pursuits. This feels spiritually potent in a time for embracing creativity, confidence, and heart-centered living, aligning these energies, through setting powerful intentions and inspired actions towards aligning with your deepest desires. This is a great time to share the things that make us unique, through our authenticity, being playful and to step out of our comfort zone with confidence and lighthearted energy.
August 5th
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo
Mercury retrograde in the signs of Virgo (who is ruled by Mercury), and Leo offers a powerful opportunity for more spiritual growth through self-reflection, healing, and reorganizing our thoughts and actions so they are in a harmonious alignment. By embracing the higher frequency energies of these signs, you can navigate the retrograde period with greater awareness and use it as a time for meaningful transformation. This retrograde cycle is strong for reviewing our work, health, routines, and creative or recreational pursuits and clearing any remaining blockages in order to see everything from our higher perspective in order to become more resourceful and creative. August 14th Mercury Retrograde enters Leo backwards from Virgo, which is a very potent time for those of us with both of these signs in their Sun, Moon and Rising signs. Leo is associated with the inner child and playfulness thus may bring up any lingering issues related to your childhood or past experiences that need healing. Embrace your healing, surrender fully to it in order to clear whatever is needed to be released once and for all! Feel, Deal, Heal, and Release, ask for support if needed especially from your Divine Spirit team and/or outside support from a loved one, your circle of trust, a professional or who every you resonate with and trust, remember vulnerability is strength.
August 8th
Lions Gate Portal / Star Sirius Rising (energy gate is from the end of July until mid August)
The Lion's Gate Portal aligns with the astrological rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which has been significant in various ancient cultures, particularly in Egypt as the ancient Egyptians saw this day as the galactic new year due to the power associated with it. It is a unique astrological event with the Sun in Leo in celestial alignment with the star Sirius and the Egyptian pyramids, offering a direct harmonious connection with the spiritual and physical realms. Orion's belt (ancient Egyptians associated Orion with Osiris, the god of the afterlife:the pyramids of Giza are thought to be aligned with the stars of Orion's Belt) is in alignment with Sirius and the Earth which is also called the Lions Gate Portal and Star Sirius Rising, and is here to activate our higher heart infusing us with love, compassion and gratitude, helping balance our Divine Masculine and Feminine. Leo's influence (especially if you have Leo Sun, Moon or Rising), offers the qualities of confidence, charisma, generosity, creativity and clear sense of purpose. Leos are naturally self-assured and possess a strong sense of self-worth, leadership and assists bringing in a time of increased cosmic energy and spiritual enlightenment. This is a time of a direct link between the physical and spiritual realms, enhancing spiritual growth and personal transformation along with heart chakra activations, promoting love, compassion, healing and overall well being. This beautiful alignment is a great opportunity to tap into and align more deeply with your higher heart and higher mind to receive higher wisdom and insights, facilitating a deeper connection to one's purpose and destiny. This year is even more powerful due to the fact we are also in an 8 year (2024) and along with the 8/8 (Aug 8th), in the calendar year. The number 8 is considered powerful in numerology, symbolizing balance, harmony, and the infinity sign (∞), which represents infinite potential and flow of energy. It is also an activation of higher consciousness and light codes within each of us to support our highest purpose, wisdom and light code blueprints that are in our DNA. This helps to synchronize and transmit the knowledge of higher connection with our multidimensional higher selves, awakening fully, our authentic sovereign being of light to claim our authentic power, abilities and fully integrate our wholeness in harmony with our human lives.
In numerology and spirituality, the number 888 is about balance and harmony, seasonal nature of life, abundance, prosperity, material wealth, success, achievements, karmic balance (what you put out returns to you), restored balance in all aspects of life and the triple eights amplify these aspects. 888 is also a deeply transformative sign of spiritual awakening and enlightenment and being in alignment with the universe and your higher self. Many focus on the manifestation properties of the number 888 as the energies around you are conducive to bringing your dreams into reality but we must remember we are the power of our pocket Universe and must believe and know, what we “desire” already exists in order to see and experience them in our human existence. We are all Divinely supported in living our higher purpose and a blissful human life and this day of alignment is often interpreted as a message from the universe and spirit guides, in re-assuring you that you are on the right path and are being supported in your endeavors.
This energy supports our infinite potential and infinite possibilities, reminding us of our limitless nature, encouraging all to expand our horizons and think big.This number is a sign of positive change and transformation, with old cycles ending, allowing space for new, higher vibrational timelines to be experienced. Take the leap and trust that all you need is and has always been within, believe in yourself and your abilities and step into your power and take control of your destiny. Embrace change and be open to new opportunities and changes that come your way, expected and unexpected, as they lead to positive outcomes and most importantly express gratitude for what you have and what is coming your way as we are magnetic and how we feel attracts more to be grateful for. We must always remember we are the magick in the Universe and must first believe and know our authentic selves in order to become the frequency of all that is for our highest good and joyful abundance. It is within the inner knowing (before seeing in the human experience), that we are the co-creators of our human lives and experiences and now we have the conscious creative powers to align our inner knowings with our external experiences. Embrace your highest timeline and be the version/frequency of self that is experiencing the life you see within your heart and higher mind.
This is a perfect time for meditation, visualization, setting intentions, reflecting, using crystals (such as clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, pyrite, and sunstone), as they can enhance the connection to the energies of your authentic self and balance with your overall well-being. One of the journal practices I teach my clients is to write a letter of gratitude to yourself dated a year from now (Aug 2025), in honor of all that you have experienced in your life in the past year. Remember, saying things in the present tense is key ie: tomorrow is a beautiful day; I am healing through every experience in alignment with my wholeness; I experience infinite wealth in all aspects of my life with an open mind and heart
Journal (letter to self) prompts: I am so grateful for the new home I live in dept free; The luxury trip I went on was incredible and I experienced (insert what you experienced); Having the ability to live every day any way I want, is such a beautiful blessing and I am enjoying the freedom to do whatever my heart desires daily; I received financial abundance from expected and unexpected ways; I released all resistance to receiving everything that is for my highest good; I love knowing I am an extension of Source and choose every day to flow with life and am balanced in my human and Source self; live continues to unfold in beautiful ways and always supports my highest good; over the past year I have experienced being healthy, happy, wealthy, blissful etc.
Whatever you wish to write in your letter is personal and intimate so take your time and enjoy the FEELING as it is what gives it meaning and truth. It is also helpful to have a manifestation buddy, someone who is on the same frequency and who engages and delights in your aspirations, dreams and SEES with you. Do not share your letter with anyone who is not engaged or who wants to talk about “logistics' ' as this is not the time for making logical or human (thinking mind), sense of the hows or whens. You are writing your story, you are the maker, the creator of your story but only you can feel it into the reality you live in. Be the magick, the creator, the master of your life and life experiences, without doubt or human logic. Once you write your letter, put it away somewhere and forget about it and simply allow for things to unfold in expected and unexpected ways, remember you are the only one in your way. Get out of your head and into your heart and allow the magick to happen.
August 19th
Big energy day; Full Moon in Aquarius; Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini; Venus in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces; Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
The full moon in Aquarius combines the unique energies of Aquarius and the heightened influence of the full moon promoting great change. Aquarius is known for forward-thinking, innovative, and rebellious nature and encourages us to break free from old patterns and embrace new, aligned energy. This sign is deeply connected to community, social causes, and collective well-being and there will be an emphasis on the importance of working together for the greater good of the collective. The full moon represents a time for releasing what no longer serves you, allowing the energy to bring clarity and insight, illuminating hidden aspects of your life or subconscious mind for your highest good. We often experience intensified emotions, making it a powerful time for reflection, healing, and emotional release and opening to what is for us in the now, what feels good and what serves our growth. The Aquarius full moon can bring sudden insights, breakthroughs, and revelations, especially regarding innovative ideas, personal freedom, and social issues and is an excellent time to connect with like-minded individuals and focus on collective goals or community projects. We are encouraged to embrace our true self and express our authentic selves through our heart and higher mind. It's a powerful time to release any fears or limitations that hinder authentic self-expression, break free from societal norms, traditions, and restrictions that feel confining. Embrace change and new ways of thinking that are aligned with our highest good with Aquarius's visionary energy that guides us to spiritual awakenings, heightened intuition, and a deeper understanding of our place in the larger cosmic picture. Be brave and bold, stand in your authentic power, connect your heart and higher mind and most importantly, know you are the co-creator of your life with everything you need within you.
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces is an encouraging integration of expansive intellectual pursuits with disciplined spiritual practices through balancing these energies, you can navigate the tension between growth and limitation, finding a harmonious path that honors both needs for exploration and their commitment to be grounded and aligned, remember it's all about balance. Knowing we always grow through any perceived challenges is all about your perspective and embracing harmony from within.
Venus in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini
The spiritual relevance of Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini lies in the dynamic tension between practicality and expansion, urging a harmonious integration of detailed, service-oriented love and expansive, emotional intellectual growth. By balancing these energies, we can navigate this with ease, greater awareness, foster spiritual growth through mindful reflection, service, and the balance of heart and higher mind. This period offers a valuable opportunity to reassess and realign your values and relationships in ways that honor both practical and expansive dimensions of your spiritual journey. It's a good time to rest and reflect and do what feels good to you in easy simple ways like taking a walk, meditating, breathing exercises, somatic stretching, spending time with those you love and anything that resonates with you.
Venus in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces
The opposition can create tension between the desire for practical, service-oriented love and the need for spiritual discipline and emotional boundaries, highlighting the challenge of balancing love and responsibility, practicality, and spirituality due to Virgo and Pisces opposition in astrology. A Virgo and Pisces alignment can be extremely beneficial, loving, balanced and abundant when we align with their higher healed aspects, but without balance they can feel chaotic. The opposition of Venus and Saturn often brings up issues related to self-worth, love, and responsibility although these challenges are opportunities for deeper healing and expansive growth. Although this can feel like tension between practicality and spirituality, love, and responsibility, human and Source, this offers us the opportunity to integrate these energies, fostering growth through the confrontation of perceived obstacles and the establishment of healthy boundaries. By embracing the lessons of this opposition, one can achieve a balanced approach to love, work, and spiritual development, leading to deeper self-awareness, fulfillment and harmonious connections with like minded people
Sun in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
Leo square Uranus in Taurus has potential to catalyze significant personal and spiritual transformation once again and through embracing change, balancing stability with freedom, and awakening to higher consciousness, this aspect offers a powerful opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Like I said, August is all about going within and self discovery! Engaging in practices that foster mindfulness, creativity, and grounding help navigate this dynamic energy, leading to a deeper understanding of your true self and life’s purpose. The Sun in Leo holds a valuable energy of self-expression, creativity, leadership, and the desire to be recognized for one’s unique qualities and authentic self, as Leo is ruled by the Sun it's time to shine your light infinitely strong and bright. Uranus in Taurus brings innovation, sudden changes, and the shake up of outdated established patterns, particularly in areas related to material security and values. Reflect on areas of your life where you may feel resistant to change or are holding onto outdated aspects that are no longer aligned or on the same frequency and explore ways to embrace new possibilities and new beginnings. Approach changes with an open mind and a willingness to adapt, recognizing that these shifts can lead to greater authenticity and spiritual growth.
The Aquarius full moon offers a powerful time of embracing individuality, fostering community, and breaking free from traditional constraints through engaging in practices that promote reflection, innovation, and collective well-being and a time to harness the transformative energies of this full moon to enhance your personal and spiritual journey. Choose to be open to new experiences and changes that come your way, be flexible and adaptable, allow yourself to flow with the innovative energy of Aquarius for your highest good. Explore things that foster new ideas, or practices that enhance your personal and spiritual growth, in new and aligned ways. While full moons typically heighten emotions, the Aquarius full moon brings a sense of emotional detachment and objectivity in a healthy way and this can help in gaining clarity and seeing situations from a higher perspective without the ego personalizing things. This is a great time to practice mindfulness and meditation and open to gain deeper insight and understanding without being overwhelmed by emotions. Aquarius being a sign of innovation and rebellion against the status quo, this moon's energy encourages breaking free from traditional constraints and exploring new, unconventional paths in alignment with your higher purpose when you allow your intuition and spirit team to be your guides as it builds trust as well as knowing in what resonates with you. Remain open to positive changes and ready to adapt to new circumstances as things unfold in infinite ways, simply be open to the possibilities.
August 28th
Mercury goes direct in Leo
As Mercury goes direct in Leo we shift towards clarity, confident communication, and forward movement and support reclaiming our personal power, expressing our authentic self, and implementing the insights gained during the retrograde phase. Mercury going direct marks the end of a reflective phase and the beginning of a new cycle and a time to implement plans, start new projects, and move forward with renewed clarity and purpose. It's a beneficial time to set intentions and take action on your goals, utilizing the dynamic and confident energy of Leo by engaging in practices that enhance clarity, creativity, and positive communication, you can channel the energy to achieve your goals and manifest your intentions effortlessly. Leo is associated with personal power, creativity, and self-expression and supports you in reclaiming your voice and expressing your authentic self with confidence while finding balance in work and play..
Venus in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces challenges us to balance practicality and idealism, reality and 3D illusion pushing us to integrate dreams with our human physical reality. Engage in practices that foster clarity, compassion, and creative expression, in order to achieve a harmonious balance between the grounded and the mystical dimensions of life. Venus, the planet of love and relationships, can bring to light any illusions or unrealistic expectations while Neptune’s influence can lead to seeing partners through rose-colored glasses, although Venus in Virgo’s practicality seeks clarity and truth. It's an opportunity to examine your relationships and values, distinguishing between what is real and what is an illusion, what is outdated, what is not working in order to lead to deeper, more authentic connections. This may also heighten spiritual idealism, making you more sensitive to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life and being more open to the unseen.
Crystals for August
We often use crystals and herbs to enhance the energies of specific astrological events such as the full moon and new moon and for our day to day spiritual practices.
Here are some suggestions for crystals and herbs to use for August:
Using crystals in August can align you with the specific energies of the month, particularly those associated with Leo and Virgo, as well as the themes of late summer. Here are some crystals that are particularly beneficial during August:
Spiritual Properties: Known as the stone of compassion, peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep, and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind.
Relevance for August: As the birthstone for August, peridot aligns with Leo’s heart-centered energy and encourages love and compassion.
Spiritual Properties: Boosts creativity, confidence, and passion. It is also known to enhance motivation and courage.
Relevance for August: With the Sun in Leo, carnelian supports the Leo themes of creativity, self-expression, and leadership.
Spiritual Properties: Promotes abundance, positivity, and energy. Citrine is also known as the merchant's stone, aiding in manifesting and attracting wealth and success.
Relevance for August: As we transition from Leo to Virgo, citrine helps to maintain the vibrant energy of summer and supports the Virgoan qualities of clarity and practicality.
Spiritual Properties: Known for wisdom, mental clarity, and intuition. Sapphire also brings protection and spiritual insight.
Relevance for August: Traditionally associated with Virgo, sapphire aids in grounding the high energy of Leo into practical wisdom and insight.
Spiritual Properties: Enhances courage, strength, and personal power. It is also protective and grounding.
Relevance for August: Perfect for Leo season, tiger’s eye supports personal power and confidence while providing grounding energy as we approach Virgo season.
Spiritual Properties: Balances the emotions, soothes the spirit, and harmonizes the heart and throat chakras, facilitating clear communication.
Relevance for August: As communication is highlighted with Mercury’s movement, amazonite helps in expressing oneself clearly and harmoniously.
Spiritual Properties: Enhances intuition, promotes calmness, and aids in emotional balance. Moonstone is also connected to the cycles of the moon.
Relevance for August: With the full moon in Aquarius, moonstone helps to harness intuitive insights and balance emotions.
Crystals associated with the Leo and Aquarius: New and Full Moon
Spiritual Properties: Enhances joy, empowerment, and personal power. It brings light and energy, helping to dispel fears and self-doubt.
Relevance for New Moon in Leo: Sunstone aligns with Leo’s fiery, confident energy, making it ideal for setting bold new intentions and embracing personal power.
Spiritual Properties: Boosts creativity, courage, and motivation. It is a powerful stone for manifesting goals and overcoming procrastination.
Relevance for New Moon in Leo: Carnelian supports Leo’s creative and ambitious nature, helping to fuel new projects and ideas.
Spiritual Properties: Promotes abundance, positivity, and energy. Citrine is also known as the merchant's stone, aiding in manifesting and attracting wealth and success.
Relevance for New Moon in Leo: Citrine helps harness Leo’s vibrant energy to set intentions related to prosperity and success.
Tiger’s Eye:
Spiritual Properties: Enhances courage, strength, and personal power. It also provides grounding and protection.
Relevance for New Moon in Leo: Tiger’s Eye supports Leo’s confident and courageous energy, helping to ground and protect new intentions.
Crystals for Full Moon in Aquarius
Spiritual Properties: Enhances intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner peace. Amethyst is also protective and helps in overcoming addictions.
Relevance for Full Moon in Aquarius: Amethyst aligns with Aquarius’s visionary and intuitive energy, aiding in spiritual insights and emotional balance.
Spiritual Properties: Known for its transformative properties, labradorite enhances intuition, protects against negativity, and aids in spiritual growth.
Relevance for Full Moon in Aquarius: Labradorite supports Aquarius’s innovative and transformative energy, helping to manifest new visions and insights.
Spiritual Properties: Amplifies energy and intention, enhances clarity, and promotes spiritual growth. Clear quartz is a powerful all-purpose crystal.
Relevance for Full Moon in Aquarius: Clear Quartz amplifies the full moon’s energy, helping to clarify and focus on your intentions and spiritual growth.
Spiritual Properties: Promotes calmness, clarity, and communication. Aquamarine is also connected to the throat chakra, enhancing expression and truth.
Relevance for Full Moon in Aquarius: Aquamarine supports Aquarius’s communicative and intellectual energy, aiding in clear and honest expression.
Herbs Associated with August
August is a great time for herbs and flowers, as many are in full bloom and can be used in many ways ie: tea, decor, rituals, making oils and body lotions etc.
Basil - Great for cooking and has many culinary uses. It's also associated with protection and love.
Mint - Refreshing and useful for digestive health. It’s also linked to clarity and prosperity.
Lavender - Known for its calming properties and used in various relaxation remedies.
Rosemary - Good for memory and concentration. It’s often used in cooking and as an ornamental plant.
Sunflowers - Symbolize adoration and loyalty. They are bright and cheerful, making them a popular summer flower.
Black-eyed Susans - These vibrant flowers represent encouragement and motivation.
Dahlias - Known for their stunning variety of colors and shapes, they symbolize elegance and dignity.
Zinnias - Represent lasting friendship and endurance, and they add a burst of color to any garden.
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