September Forecast

Hello September!
A lot of clearing and integration energy happened in August, changes emotionally, physically and spiritually, as we were guided to release and allow the high frequency of light codes to be our guide. Leo season highlighted and encouraged our self expression, opportunities to embrace our authenticity, and using Leo’s fiery passion to inspire self love and love for life. We had some huge energies in August to feel our way through with the full blue moon, Jupiter-Saturn square in Gemini and Pisces, Venus in Virgo square and much more.
An overall theme of taking time to understand our fullness and allowing what is no longer aligned to be released, in order to create room for new beginnings in different aspects of our lives. We are all on our own journey at different places and it is important to understand there is no “comparison” as to where we all are. Each of us has a deeply intimate inner journey of healing and although we can empathize with others, each journey is unique to each individual person. There is no hierarchy in the realm of healing, there is simply the human experiences we have had and what we choose to do for ourselves.
August had a lot of change in relation to relationships in our lives, we were asked to look deeper at what relationships were aligned and see those that were not, in order for us to truly embrace our authentic frequency. It is important to allow time for grieving the relationships we have had to step away from and the aspects of self that were attached to those relationships. Stepping out of our comfort zones with people and aspects of an old vibration of self, has been a key form of shedding. Leo’s energy of confidence and self expression was meant to spark the fire of change, much like the Phoenix energy, and a surrender of all that is no longer for our highest good. Rule of thumb is, if it doesn't feel “good” then it is no longer for you, no more ignoring your intuition of what is meant for you and what is not.
The Sun in Leo was also a period of increased vitality, a focus on personal identity, and a desire to be seen and appreciated for who you truly are, and for your authentic self. Whatever energies, (outdated beliefs, thoughts, emotions, people etc.) that are not in alignment with your higher timelines needed to be released in one form or another. When you stand in your authentic power you appreciate, value, respect and love yourself without a need for outside validation or tolerating any energy that is not authentic. This is part of the process of self love and is a necessary part of our inner work, allowing what needs to be released through a place of peace within you and in turn this creates the “space” needed for what is aligned with your present energy to come forward. Connecting with your inner light, the essence of who you are, encourages you to let your light shine brightly, without the fear of being seen and truly being your highest self no matter where you are. You’ll know who your soul team is by the way you feel in their energy, the ease of being in their company, a feeling of being safe and secure in simply being you and them being them. The time of dimming your light for others comfort or tolerating what is not harmonious, or feeling imbalanced in the relationships in your life has passed. It is time for you to stand confident in your authentic energy, know that you are a valuable, worthy being created to love and be loved and it is your responsibility to use your energy to create a balanced, healthy and abundant life in your human experience. If your relationships feel like you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole or it feels like walking on eggshells or you simply don't feel at ease, that is a direct indication that you are not on the same frequency and it is okay to step away from what is not for you in this moment. Sometimes we grow apart as we have a different journey to take and it is important to remember healthy relationships of any kind (friends, family, romantic etc.), are meant to be easy, healthy relationships are balanced, open, honest, authentic and peaceful. (watch for our upcoming blog on relationships for a deeper look into healthy relationships)
Virgo season ushers in a time of introspection, responsibility, and detailed planning as Virgo's influence encourages self awareness, focus and a more conscious approach to life and a major theme this month focused on mental, emotional, and physical health. It's a time of organizing, refining, and setting your sights on getting things in order overall. Virgo, as the final zodiac sign of summer, leads us to the invigorating crispness of autumn, where physical change begins all around us, endings and new beginnings. Virgo being an Earth sign, is closely connected to the body and the tangible world, ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, financial gain, intellect, and travel. Virgo is known to be detail oriented, observant, and uniquely equipped to deal with the details and fluidity of daily life with a healthy sense of detachment.
Virgo tends to be stereotyped as the perfectionist and hypercritical, but in truth the higher aspects of Virgo are about tapping into the organizational energy, adjusting daily routines, purging closets, clearing out the garage, revising any health practices for your overall well being and so much more. Virgo is about balance, action and alignment, as well as being of service to others offered through the overflow energy, without any attachments (ie; giving at the expense of your well-being, giving from a place of people pleasing etc.).
We are being guided to focus on the things that feed our happiness, joy and simple pleasures as this is what is bringing the bigger picture visions to life. Utilizing the wisdom we have gained throughout our healing and the changes we've gone through over the past few months, supports our dreams as we now have found balance (for the most part). We are able to engage with the world around us but through being the observers without attachment, judgment or engaging in what is not aligned. It's important to understand it's not about ignoring what may be present in the 3D, it's about choosing to not engage where it is detrimental to you. We cannot force or “make” people see things they are not ready for, the best thing you can do is be your best and hold your light, this gives you the ultimate power in assisting the collective through channeling Source love, healing and light. We cannot control the uncontrollable nor should we want to, there can be many distractions outside of you that hold your attention in a low frequency and by giving your energy to that, you disempower yourself.
September is a month of higher consciousness, stepping away from the 3D world that encourages us to stay quiet, follow the crowd, blindly accept all that was, sacrifice/suffer in order to make others comfortable and be what a hierarchical society dictates. September is about standing in your power, taking time to do the things that align with the life you are creating, clearing up the projects you’ve been avoiding, and most importantly not allowing anyone to convince you that you are less than you are. Remember, you are the co-creator of your pocket Universe and your human experiences, the writer of your novel, the pilot or your plane and the star of your show! You choose who joins you on stage, who is part of your story, and you are in charge of your happily ever after, so utilize the energy of September to strengthen your foundation and alignment with love aka 5D.
September represents the number 9 in our calendar year, a powerful and significant number with deep meanings. The number 9 is seen as the number of completion, as it is the last single-digit number, it symbolizes the end of a cycle and the completion of phases in life, signifying the preparation for a new beginning, often involving a significant transformation and rebirth. As a number 9 month, it is connected with wisdom, spiritual growth, enlightenment and carries the energy of deep insight and the ability to see the bigger picture. This is in beautiful harmony with the theme of this month adding the engagement of universal love, forgiveness, and the understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and is also seen as a sacred number that connects individuals to divine wisdom and higher consciousness overall.
Those with Virgo, Aries, Scorpio, or Sagittarius placements (Sun, Moon, Rising signs), or have a lot of these signs in their birth chart, may feel this powerfully transformative energy pushing them. Virgo is associated with 9, bringing forth the positive aspects of our Virgo brothers and sisters through Virgo season.
Aries is associated with the number 9 because of the energetic, dynamic, and action-oriented nature as it represents completion and the end of a cycle, which resonates with Aries' pioneering spirit and its role as the initiator in the zodiac. Scorpio is linked to the number 9 due to its association with transformation, endings, and rebirth and themes of completion and spiritual wisdom align with Scorpio’s intense and transformative nature. Sagittarius is also connected to the number 9 because of its expansive, philosophical, and spiritually-oriented characteristics, with the Sagittarian pursuit of higher knowledge, wisdom, and a broader understanding of life.
In Tarot, the number 9 is a symbol of completion, fulfillment, and the nearing of a cycle’s end, spiritual wisdom and fulfillment, and points to the inner growth and understanding that comes from experiences, encouraging a deeper connection with your higher self. With the Major Arcana 9 represents The Hermit (Card IX), embodying the essence of solitude, introspection, and spiritual wisdom. The Minor Arcana each suit reflects the themes of completion, fulfillment, and sometimes challenges associated with nearing the end of a journey. The Nines often indicate that you are at the final stages of a situation or lesson, with each suit offering its own interpretation:

Images from the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck
Nine of Wands (Wands represent Fire, Action, and Spirit):
- This card often shows someone who has fought many battles and is now in the final stages of a struggle. It represents perseverance, standing your ground, and being prepared for the last challenge before reaching a conclusion.
Nine of Cups (Cups represent Water, Emotions, and Relationships):
- Often referred to as the "wish card," the Nine of Cups symbolizes emotional satisfaction, contentment, and the fulfillment of desires. It represents a moment of joy and pleasure, often indicating that your emotional or relationship goals are within reach.
Nine of Swords (Swords represent Air, Intellect, and Challenges):
-The Nine of Swords is often associated with worries, fears, and sleepless nights. It represents the mental burdens or anxieties that come with nearing the end of a difficult journey. However, it also suggests that these fears may be more internal than external and that resolution is near.
Nine of Pentacles (Pentacles represent Earth, Material Wealth, and Security):
- Material Success and Independence**: The Nine of Pentacles represents financial security, independence, and the enjoyment of the fruits of your labor. It symbolizes self-sufficiency, comfort, and the ability to enjoy the rewards of hard work.
In our astrological year, September brings the energy of the number 7 which is regarded as one of the most mystical and profound numbers, carrying deep significance in various aspects of life, often associated with introspection, spiritual awakening, and inner wisdom. 7 has an association with Cancer in astrology stemming from their qualities of intuition, reflection, emotional depth, and a connection to the mystical and spiritual aspects of life. This enhances the importance of inner wisdom, nurturing, and the exploration of one’s inner world in finding balance in the spiritual and material world as well as the addition of emotional security, spiritual growth, and the deep understanding of life’s mysteries.7 is considered the number of the spiritual seeker and represents a deep quest for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, often through introspection and inner exploration. 7 is a highly intuitive number which possesses an innate sense of the unseen and mystical aspects of life. When we engage with number 7 we are pushed to take time to hear our inner voice, encouraging solitude and contemplation in quiet reflection, where one can connect with their inner self and higher consciousness. We can utilize the symbolism of 7 to align with the divine order and completeness, which holds the energy of universal harmony.
In Tarot, the number 7 is a symbol of introspection, challenge, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of deeper truths. It often represents a moment of pause, reflection, and the need to overcome obstacles on the path to greater understanding. It represents the Major Arcana, The Chariot (Card VII), and embodies the essence of the number 7 through themes of determination, willpower, and triumph over adversity. It's a card of victory representing the achievement and ability to harness opposing forces (often symbolized by the two horses or sphinxes) and direct them towards a unified goal. The Chariot also symbolizes a journey, both literal and metaphorical and a quest for personal achievement, a spiritual journey, or the pursuit of higher knowledge, through seeking deeper truths with an emphasis on moving forward with purpose and direction.
In the Minor Arcana each suit’s Seven card reflects the challenges, introspection, and spiritual lessons that come with this number. The Sevens often represent a turning point where reflection and reassessment are necessary:
Images from the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck
Seven of Wands (Wands represent Fire, Action, and Spirit):
- This card often depicts a figure defending their position against multiple challenges. It symbolizes standing your ground, asserting yourself, and fighting to maintain what you have achieved. The Seven of Wands represents the need for courage and determination in the face of opposition.
Seven of Cups (Cups represent Water, Emotions, and Relationships):
- The Seven of Cups often represents a moment of confusion or being overwhelmed by choices. It suggests that not all options are what they seem, and discernment is required. This card encourages introspection and careful consideration before making decisions, emphasizing the need to look beyond illusions and fantasies.
Seven of Swords (Swords represent Air, Intellect, and Challenges):
- The Seven of Swords often depicts someone sneaking away with swords, symbolizing cunning, strategy, or possibly deceit. This card can represent the need to think strategically or to be wary of dishonesty, whether from oneself or others. It also suggests using intelligence and tact to navigate tricky situations.
Seven of Pentacles (Pentacles represent Earth, Material Wealth, and Security):
- The Seven of Pentacles shows a figure pausing to assess the growth of their crops, symbolizing a moment of reflection on progress and results. This card represents the need for patience and reassessment, especially when it comes to long-term goals. It’s a time to evaluate whether the current path is leading to the desired outcomes and to make adjustments if necessary.
Overall, this is a month where we bring together the spiritual and material worlds, where thoughts and ideas begin to manifest into reality. It represents the process of bringing spiritual insights into the physical world, offering the consciousness of creation and manifestation through a deep connection to the divine, encouraging harmony with creation. It represents the inner journey toward self-discovery and awakening, inviting us to look within, know our authentic truth, and align with our higher purpose while living authentically.
September has a number of retrogrades in play as well as the shadow periods of certain aspects of retrogrades and planetary alignments (see august blog for more details on each), and it is time to use what we have learned in reflection in order to create the changes in our physical lives and human experiences. We must remember retrograde periods are times for introspection, review, and dealing with unresolved issues related to the areas these celestial bodies govern in order to truly support our own healing and alignment with our highest timelines. September is a transitional month, as it brings the energy of Virgo who is the only mutable Earth sign whose energy is calming and grounding, with the finality of helping us to align and gain balance in our lives. The past few months have been intense, clearing energy and September is an opportunity to catch our breath, rest, receive and refresh. Using mindfulness practices will help you to follow your passion, joy and feel your alignment in your overall well being. (see Mindful living blog for tips)
Now, what's happening in September!
On September 1st, Uranus retrograde in Taurus until January 30th, 2025. Uranus, the planet of change, innovation, and disruption, moving retrograde in the earthy and stable sign of Taurus, brings unique energies that can influence both collective and individual experiences. Uranus is known as the great awakener, bringing sudden changes, breakthroughs, and a bigger push towards authenticity. Taurus energy encourages a deep reflection on areas of life where you may have become too rigid or feel stuck and supports breaking free from old habits, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve your highest good. Taurus governs values, money, and security and asks us to focus on reassessing what we truly value in life, what expands our happiness, joy and simple pleasures.
It's a time to question/reassess your relationship with material possessions, financial stability, and what truly makes you feel secure so you can align your values with your higher purpose, ensuring that your foundations are built on authenticity rather than societal expectations or unhealed ego. It is important to look within and make sure that your desires come from your authentic self so that it is not about seeking validation and attention in superficial ways through the old version of the hierarchical society. This retrograde will bring unexpected insights and the desire to embrace more unconventional or non-traditional paths through a willingness to explore alternative ways of achieving security, while being open to healthier authentic ways of living. We have spent so much time on doing our inner healing this year that many of us now feel drawn to do more for our physical bodies, especially with all the ascension and integration symptoms we have experienced over the last few weeks.
Taurus is associated with the physical body, nature, and sensual experiences and this retrograde can bring about healing by helping you release physical and emotional blockages tied to outdated beliefs or traumas. This period may encourage practices that connect you more deeply with your body, such as grounding exercises, mindful eating, or spending time in nature and is a powerful time to honor your physical vessel through self love and self care. This retrograde is a beautifully powerful time to bring balance into your human experience in the material world and truly assess the ways you relate to money, possessions, and the Earth itself. This offers an opportunity to reflect on and change how you interact mentally, emotionally and physically with the material world which may involve adopting healthier practices, reevaluating your spending habits, or even simplifying your life in alignment with your authentic self bringing a feeling of freedom in minimalism and recognizing that true abundance and infinite wealth comes from within. It is important to remember we are magnetic beings and when we feel abundant and infinitely wealthy we attract more to support that. It is also important to remember wealth is not simply financial and is a sense of overall well-being. When you choose to be in a constant state of appreciation, gratitude and love, you in turn, are the magnet of receiving more to support that, just remember we cannot fake it as the Universe simply responds to what we truly feel.
Because Taurus is a sign that values stability and can be resistant to sudden change and Uranus represents the exact opposite, it's a good practice to approach a more gradual transformation, making small daily changes to your life. This helps us appreciate the value of patience and understanding that meaningful change often happens in small, meaningful steps and encourages us to enjoy the journey rather than focus on the outcome or destination. Our journey is our destination and can be enjoyed as we grow and learn with every part of our transformation without attachment.
September 1st Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
Retrograde Pluto returns to the sign of Capricorn after a stay in Aquarius, then returns to Aquarius again in January 2024. Then on September 1st, Pluto returns to Capricorn for the final time. On November 19th, 2024, Pluto will head into Aquarius and stay there until 2043.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn during September is a highly spiritual and transformative energy especially with September's theme. Pluto is the planet of transformation, power, death and rebirth, and hidden forces that drive change, while Capricorn, an earth sign (along with Virgo), governs structure, authority, ambition, and long-term goals. Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn, amplifies themes of introspection, the dismantling of old systems, and profound personal and collective transformation. This retrograde highlights the need to reevaluate and transform the structures in your life, whether they are personal, professional, or societal, a time to examine the foundations of your life and consider what needs to be dismantled or rebuilt. This could involve questioning long-held beliefs, traditions, or the way you approach your goals and responsibilities as Capricorn is linked to authority and control, and Pluto’s retrograde prompts deep reflection on how you use power, both in your own life and in relation to others.
This period encourages you to explore where you may be holding onto control out of fear or insecurity and to release patterns of domination or manipulation and the desire to control the uncontrollable and a powerful time to transform your relationship with power, moving towards a more balanced and authentic state of being.
Pluto retrograde is a potent time for shadow work, where you confront and integrate the darker aspects of yourself, shining your inner light into every corner of yourself. In Capricorn, this might involve facing fears related to success, failure, authority, or responsibility which will lead you to profound personal growth, helping you to shed old identities and embrace a more authentic, empowered self. During this time you may feel a strong urge to reassess your life’s direction and the goals you’ve set for yourself to ensure they are aligned with your authentic self and who you are in this moment and time. Take time to assess if you are truly aligning with your heart centered ambitions, your true purpose, and let go of any goals that are driven by ego or societal pressure rather than authentic passion, purpose and higher calling.
Pluto is associated with karma, and during its retrograde in Capricorn, there may be opportunities to resolve karmic issues related to authority, responsibility, and ambition which could involve releasing ancestral patterns, healing past life wounds, or addressing power dynamics in relationships. This cleansing process can lead to greater freedom and the ability to step into your power without the burdens of past karmic ties with conscious intention and alignment. Use Capricorn’s earth energy for a grounding influence during Pluto’s intense retrograde and stay rooted in your responsibilities while also being open to deep transformation as this is about finding balance between staying grounded in your material reality and embracing the profound changes Pluto brings.
During this Retrograde it's helpful to use healthy tools like meditation to explore your unconscious mind, bringing hidden fears, desires, and patterns into the light for healing and transformation. Journaling to reflect on your long-term goals, power dynamics, and any structures in your life that may need to change. Journaling can help you process these deep transformations in order to gain a full understanding and acceptance which supports you being in the now. Grounding is also key and one of the most important things you can do for yourself, so try to engage in activities that connect you to the earth, such as walking in nature, gardening, practicing grounding meditation (there are a plethora of ways to use grounding meditations ie: tree meditation, shower meditation, beach/water meditation, Sungazing meditations, guided meditations etc.), breathing exercises, yoga, humming, sound (singing bowls, bells, different HZ), what ever you feel good doing that helps you to be present and aligned with your now moment.
These retrogrades will encourage us to purge anything and everything not aligned from 2008 until now, and this includes whatever attachments linger between those times as well as any relationships that are not healthy that began between 2008 and 2024.
September 1st Uranus retrograde in Taurus
This is a powerful time for introspection, transformation, and re-evaluating aspects of life that are closely tied to Taurus themes, such as security, values, and material possessions. Taurus is an earth sign associated with stability, security, material wealth, and the physical senses and represents the things we hold dear, our values, and the ways in which we find comfort and security in the material world. Uranus is the planet of change, rebellion, innovation, and sudden breakthroughs and disrupts the status quo, bringing about unexpected shifts that challenge old patterns and encourage new ways of thinking. This is a time to reflect on whether your current desires, pursuits and wants align with your higher purpose as you might find yourself questioning materialistic tendencies or societal expectations, seeking a deeper, more authentic connection to your values. Taurus is closely tied to material security and comfort, but Uranus retrograde urges you to break free from attachments that may be holding you back spiritually as this energy encourages letting go of the need for material possessions or external validation, prompting a shift toward finding security within yourself and your spiritual beliefs.
This retrograde can bring unexpected changes, particularly in areas where you seek stability, as it's about learning to embrace uncertainty and cultivate flexibility without attachments and a time to trust the process of change, understanding that what may seem like disruption is actually paving the way for growth and new opportunities for your overall well-being. You may feel challenged to break free from limiting beliefs or routines that have become too rigid or mundane as you crave reclaiming your personal freedom and authenticity, even if it means going against traditional or societal norms.
This energy may bring up any unresolved issues related to self-worth, finances, or stability pushing you into a need for final healing of whatever is lingering and fully allowing healing and transformation, so you may address and release old wounds or fears that have been holding you back.

September 2nd the New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo in September 2024 marks a powerful time for setting intentions related to health, organization, and self-improvement. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, and holds the vibration of attention to detail, service to self and others, and the desire for personal and collective betterment. This New Moon emphasizes new beginnings in areas connected to your daily routines, work, health, and the way you manage your life. The New Moon in Virgo is an ideal time to focus on your physical and mental health as it encourages you to set intentions that support your overall well-being, such as adopting healthier habits, refining your diet, or starting a new exercise regimen. Virgo’s influence helps you approach these goals with a sense of discipline and practicality, making it easier to implement lasting changes without focusing on the outcome and instead make healthy changes that feel good. Healthy changes are all about balance in body, mind and heart (Soul), and although Virgo’s energy is often associated with perfectionism, it is about doing what is right for you without obsessing over the details and instead channel your energy into healthy constructive refinement. Take time to enjoy fine-tuning your projects, relationships, or personal habits without the demand of perfectionism, allow the process to help you align more closely with your higher purpose, shedding what no longer serves you and embracing practices that elevate your life in fun and fulfilling ways.
Virgo’s energy is strongly linked to organization and order and you may feel inspired to declutter your physical space, streamline your day to day habits, do a detox or fast, to clear out the old to make way for the new and this will help you feel more grounded and focused. It’s a time to eliminate all distractions both within you and outside of you to create space for what truly matters and what is aligned with your highest timeline. Self-improvement is not meant to feel like a chore, it is about feeling empowered in the fact it is your choice to do what supports your self-improvement and continuous growth, setting intentions that reflect the new beginnings and life you are creating for yourself with the understanding of growth is a lifelong journey.
September 4th Mars enters Cancer
This transit holds a lot of energy this month as September is a 7 in the astrological calendar and associated with Cancer. Mars transit through Cancer brings a unique blend of energy that combines the assertive, action-oriented nature of Mars with the sensitive, emotional, and nurturing qualities of Cancer. This transit can significantly influence how you assert yourself, handle conflicts, and pursue your goals, particularly in areas related to home, family, and emotional security. Cancer is a sign associated with nurturing and protection, and when Mars transits through this sign, there can be a heightened sense of protectiveness, especially toward loved ones and home. You may feel more defensive and reactive, particularly if you perceive any threats to your emotional security or the well-being of those you care about. This can manifest in standing up for your family or being more assertive in matters concerning your home environment but it is important to step out of any fear based or 3D based actions so you are not pulled into a reactiveness. Mars typically prefers direct action, but in Cancer, the approach can become more indirect and Instead of confronting issues head-on, there might be a tendency to act through subtle, roundabout ways, or even through passive-aggressive behavior (which is not a healthy way to deal with any situation). This energy can be challenging to manage, so it’s important to be mindful of how you express anger or frustration, ensuring it doesn’t build up or explode unexpectedly. Take extra time for mindfulness practices in order to stay aligned and in control of your emotions. Remember your emotions, feelings, actions etc., are your responsibility and if you are triggered by someone/something it is a map and direction to where you need more love, healing and light. There is a difference in responding or reacting when dealing with any situation and your power is in the pause, a moment of self reflection to ask yourself why you are feeling whatever it is you are feeling and what best ALIGNED course of action is needed, don't give your power away. Feel, Deal, Heal, Release.
As Cancer rules the home and family, during this transit, your energy may be focused on domestic matters, you might feel motivated to improve your living space, resolve family issues, or spend more time nurturing your relationships with loved ones. This is a time of deepening connections with family and friends, creating a more authentic, harmonious and secure environment. While Mars in Cancer may lack the straightforward assertiveness seen in other signs, it excels in channeling energy into care, compassion, and nurturing which is ideal for using your drive to support others, whether through caregiving, community work, or simply being there for loved ones, a time to take action that comes from a place of love and empathy.
This transit may have you feeling more sensitive to criticism or conflict, taking things more personally and reacting from a place within that has not fully healed but, this is an opportunity to practice emotional resilience and intelligence, learning how to manage your actions mindfully without letting emotions control your actions. This can feel like intense energy and it is important to find your balance with Mars’ aggressive energy and Cancer’s emotional depth so you can overcome any inner conflict, especially if you feel torn between taking action and staying safe within your healthy boundaries. We are being guided to assert ourselves without compromising emotional well-being and healthy boundaries through mindful communication (awareness of how you express anger or frustration/ Aim for clear, authentic communication rather than letting emotions build up). Channel your energy into creating a nurturing and supportive environment at home within and around you, practice grounding techniques to help manage heightened emotions, (use your healthy toolbox ie: journaling, meditation, or spending time near water (Cancer’s element), breathing, stretching etc.), take compassionate action, whether by supporting others or nurturing yourself through self love/self care, as this is a time to act from the heart and find a balance between being self-confident and respecting your emotional needs to avoid the extremes of either aggressive behavior or excessive withdrawal.
September 9th Mercury enters home sign of Virgo
Mercury transits through Virgo, one of the signs he rules and where he feels most at home and enhances the qualities of clear communication, analytical thinking, attention to detail, and practical problem-solving. Mercury in Virgo is associated with precision in thought and language, making this an excellent period for organizing your life, refining your plans, and improving your daily routines. Virgo is known for being meticulous and detail-oriented, and when Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, transits through his home sign, your ability to think critically and analytically is heightened. This is a great time for tackling complex problems, engaging in detailed work, as it supports clarity of thought and the ability to see the truth in situations, making it easier to make well-informed decisions.
Virgo’s influence with Mercury, makes you more aware of the small details that can often be overlooked, making this an ideal period for tasks that require careful attention to detail, such as organizing, planning, and refining processes. Whether in your work or personal life, you’ll likely feel a strong urge to improve and perfect your surroundings, this transit encourages mindfulness and the practice of paying close attention to the present moment. As Virgo is also associated with health, wellness, and daily routines, Mercury’s transit may have you feeling more inclined to focus on improving your health, whether through diet, exercise, or other wellness practices both spiritual and physical. This is a good time to gather information, research health topics, meet with natural health professionals, organize your daily routine to better support your well-being, and embrace an approach for your overall well-being. Take advantage of this transit to organize your physical and mental space, clear the clutter, create healthy routines, and refine your daily schedule to include time for taking care of your body, mind and heart.
September 17th/18th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
This is a time of great awakening for our spiritual and emotional wellness and is on my birthday! The Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse offers a powerful and transformative time as Lunar eclipses are potent times of a peak, release, and heightened emotions, often bringing significant changes and revelations. This particular eclipse will amplify the energy of the Full Moon, making it a key moment for letting go of what no longer serves you and embracing new directions and beginnings. Full Moons are already associated with heightened emotions, and a lunar eclipse intensifies this energy deeply leaving you feeling heightened energy, strong feelings, sudden insights, or deep emotional shifts. It is important to pay close attention to your intuition and inner guidance as it can bring hidden emotions or truths to the surface, helping you gain clarity about your authentic feelings and desires.
Lunar eclipses are linked to endings, as they symbolize a conclusion of a cycle and this may manifest as the end of unhealthy relationships, jobs, habits, or outdated ways of thinking. These endings are necessary and pave the way for new beginnings, clearing what is no longer aligned with your authentic self, inviting and encouraging you to release what no longer aligns with your highest good, making space for new healthy, beneficial opportunities and growth. The power associated with Eclipses are known for deeply transformative energy and shifts in your life path that are aligned with your soul’s purpose, even if they feel challenging at the time. The shadow aspect of the Earth passing over the Moon during a lunar eclipse brings your own shadow aspects to light offering a potent time to confront and integrate parts of yourself that you may have been avoiding or suppressing which is an opportunity for deep healing and self-acceptance, as you acknowledge and embrace all aspects of yourself lovingly.
Full Moons, especially lunar eclipses, often highlight relationships, bringing unresolved, ignored or festering issues to the surface and a time of significant shifts in your connections with others, whether through the deepening of bonds or the release of relationships that no longer serve your growth and who you are in this timeline, encouraging you to seek balance and harmony in your relationships, allowing you to move forward with greater clarity, understanding and authenticity.
The specific astrological sign and house where the eclipse occurs in your birth chart will provide further insights into the areas of life most affected by this energy. For example, if the eclipse falls in a sign related to communication, you might experience breakthroughs or challenges in how you express yourself or connect with others. This helps you understand the specific lessons and opportunities for growth that this eclipse brings into your life. Eclipses are excellent times for spiritual cleansing and releasing rituals, whether through meditation, journaling, or physical rituals like burning sage or writing down what you wish to release, these can help you align with the powerful energy available. We generally take time to release during full moons but this eclipse energy heightens this release supporting the process of letting go, allowing you to move forward with greater clarity and purpose. Take time for yourself and work with this amplified energy, allow it to reveal hidden truths, what needs to be released, self reflection, creating space for new beginnings, and highlighting paths for greater clarity in alignment with your higher purpose.
Generally we feel the shadow of the “normal” full moon 3 days before and 3 days after, but we will be feeling this eclipse moon energy 2 weeks before and for 2 weeks after, which gives us time to truly reflect and find balance that lies in identifying and expressing our needs and overall wellness.
This is the first in a set of eclipses falling along the Virgo-Pisces axis, and this set will continue until February 2027. This Lunar Eclipse can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Virgo- and Pisces-ruled areas of life in our charts, and feelings of discontent can magnify in order to support us truly aligning and understanding authentic selves.
The Virgo-Pisces axis in astrology represents a dynamic and complementary relationship between two opposing signs that balance each other through their differences. Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs in the zodiac, meaning they are six signs apart, and together they create a polarity that highlights key themes of authenticity and spirituality, detail versus the big picture, and service versus compassion. Virgo, an Earth sign ruled by Mercury and Pisces a Water sign ruled by Neptune (and traditionally Jupiter), asks for balance and connection with emotional intelligence. These signs are all about balance and harmony when in healthy alignment, even in relationships a Virgo and Pisces are either a beautiful harmonious relationship or a chaotic turbulent one, depending on the individuals. Virgo is often seen as the sign of service, focusing on helping others through love, nurture and practical means, offering service in the form of support, healing, and improving systems to benefit others. Pisces represents compassion on a broader, more universal level, as Pisces energy is about unconditional love, empathy, and the ability to feel the suffering of others and associated with healing, not through practical means, but through emotional or spiritual connection. Both signs are in relation to the Divine Feminine (along with Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn) as healers, turning attention inwards to help quiet the mind in order to be still with the world around us and hear our inner guidance. Pisces often finds fulfillment in creative, artistic, or healing professions that allow for the expression of deep empathy.
This axis highlights the importance of balancing practical service with compassionate understanding, suggesting that true service involves both attending to the physical needs of others (Virgo) and nurturing their emotional and spiritual well-being (Pisces). This axis asks you to find a balance between focusing on details and maintaining an awareness of the bigger picture and higher perspective, understanding that both the forest and the trees are important, and that true mastery comes from integrating the micro and the macro perspectives. Virgo rules the 6th house, associated with health, daily routines, and habits, concerned with maintaining physical health through diet, exercise, and healthy habits while Pisces is connected to the 12th house, which represents the unconscious mind, spiritual health, and the process of healing on a deeper, more emotional or spiritual level. This axis emphasizes the connection between physical health (Virgo) and spiritual/ emotional well-being (Pisces) and that true health involves body, mind and heart (Soul).
Finding balance through seeking order, structure, and clarity, comfort in routines, organization, and clear plans with Pisces comfort with chaos, and the dissolution of boundaries, surrendering to the flow of life and finding ease in change is a key aspect of this axis. It is to encourage you to find a balance between creating order in your life and being open to the unpredictable nature of existence, living in the ebb and flow without attachments through structuring your life in a way that allows for spontaneity, creativity, and the acceptance of life’s inherent uncertainties through your trust in the process. Truly coming into harmony with the integration of body (Virgo) and spirit (Pisces), knowing that taking care of your physical health is just as important as nurturing your spiritual well-being, by embracing the lessons of this axis, offers you the opportunity to achieve a more holistic and balanced approach to life, where both the tangible and intangible are valued and integrated.
September 22nd Fall Equinox, also known as the Autumnal Equinox
This is a spiritually significant time that marks a time of balance, reflection, and transition, and it is one of the two times in the year when day and night are of equal length. This symbolizes balance and harmony between light and dark, yin and yang, and Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies a time to seek balance in your own life, reconciling opposites and finding harmony within. This is a time of year associated with the harvest season, a time to reap what you have sown throughout the year, both literally and metaphorically and a time for expressing gratitude for the abundance in your life, acknowledging the fruits of your labor, whether they are material, emotional, or spiritual. With the Fall equinox days begin to shorten and the nights grow longer, inviting introspection, a time to reflect on the past year, assessing what has been accomplished and what still needs attention. This is a period also associated with letting go of what no longer serves you, much like the beauty of transition when leaves turn colors, trees shed their leaves and show us how much beauty lies in change as it is an opportunity to release old patterns, beliefs, or relationships that may be holding you in outdated energy. With the arrival of autumn, the energy shifts from outward activity (summer fun in the Sun), to inward contemplation, marking the beginning of a more introspective season, leading toward the Winter Solstice offering us a time to prepare for an inner journey, focusing on deeper self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual development as we are beings of constant change and evolution. This time of transition as nature begins to change, you are also encouraged to embrace change in your life and be open to transformation, understanding that change is a natural and necessary part of growth.
The Fall Equinox occurs under the sign of Virgo, transitioning into Libra, bringing focus on both practical matters and relationships, Virgo Influence emphasizes organization, health, service, setting intentions around self-care, improving daily routines, and contributing to the well-being of others, while Libra’s Influence brings the energy of balance, fairness, and harmony in relationships, and is an ideal time to work on creating harmony in your connections with others and fostering a sense of peace and cooperation. Embrace change, let go of fear of the unknown and find comfort in the process of the wholeness, of you in harmony with the Universe with the understanding you are a multidimensional being of Love and Source in skin!
September 25th Saturn forms a semi-square with Pluto
This is the second of three, the first of which happened in May 2024 and the third set to occur in January 2025 alignments with this transit of longer-term influence points. Saturn forms a semi-square with Pluto, an aspect that represents a subtle yet significant tension between the energies of these two powerful planets. While a semi-square is a minor aspect, it still brings challenges that can lead to important growth and transformation. The combination of Saturn and Pluto is particularly potent, as both planets are associated with themes of authority, power, control, transformation, and the breaking down of old structures. Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, authority, and responsibility who governs the rules, limitations, and frameworks within which we operate in life while Pluto, on the other hand, is the planet of transformation, power, and the deep, often hidden forces that bring about profound change. When these two planets form a semi-square, it can cause tension between the desire to maintain control and the need for deep, transformative change causing a struggle between holding onto old, established ways of doing things (Saturn) and the inevitable push towards transformation and evolution (Pluto). This could represent an inner conflict where you feel torn between sticking to the familiar and embracing the changes necessary for growth, creating a sense of pressure or frustration, pushing you to address underlying issues centered around the need to let go of outdated structures, beliefs, people, ways of doing things and anything that no longer serves your highest good. It is vital to surrender any tension or resistance to change, external or internal. This aspect is a call to recognize where you may be holding onto control too tightly (control of the uncontrollable), and to trust in the process of transformation that is needed for your highest good as it invites you to surrender what is no longer working in your life, even if doing so feels challenging and uncomfortable. The Saturn-Pluto dynamic is often about destruction and reconstruction, letting go of toxic comforts, insecurities, fear based thinking, as it indicates that something in your life is reaching a breaking point, where old structures or patterns must be dismantled to make way for new, healthier ones. This could be a time to critically assess the foundations of your life, such as your career, relationships, or personal beliefs, and begin the process of rebuilding them in a way that is more aligned with your true purpose.
This process is about renewal and rebirth, an opportunity to strip away the superficial or outdated aspects of your life, allowing for the emergence of a more authentic and empowered version of yourself.
Take time to reflect on how you relate to power and control in your life, where are you holding on too tightly? Where do you need to strengthen your self-confidence more effectively? Recognize that the tension you feel is pushing you towards necessary change, rather than resisting, look for ways to work with the energy of transformation, allowing it to guide you towards a more authentic and empowered life. Any perceived obstacles or setbacks, are opportunities to rebuild foundations in a way that is stronger and more aligned with your true self. This is a time for patience and perseverance, knowing that the work you do now will lead to long-term growth and betterment, call in your Spirit team for support, love, guidance and healing, be open to hearing your inner voice, your higher self and trust what you may not see yet.
Crystals & Herbs
We often use crystals and herbs to enhance the energies of specific astrological events such as the full moon and new moon and for our day to day spiritual practices.
Here are some suggestions for crystals and herbs to use for September:
-Properties: Sapphire is the birthstone for September and is known for its deep connection to wisdom, clarity, and protection. It is often associated with the throat chakra, promoting clear communication and expression of truth. Sapphire also encourages spiritual insight and mental focus.
- Sapphire for meditation to enhance your intuition, deepen your spiritual practice, and protect your energy field from negative influences.
- Properties: Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth, wisdom, and inner power. It has a strong connection to the third eye and throat chakras, enhancing mental clarity and spiritual insight. This crystal is also known for its ability to strengthen communication and bring harmony to relationships.
-Lapis Lazuli can be used in meditation to open the third eye, deepen your connection to the divine, and help you speak your truth with confidence.
-Properties: Peridot, although primarily associated with August, is also connected to September due to its vibrant, transformative energy. It is a stone of renewal, growth, and abundance. Peridot is known to cleanse and activate the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and encouraging positive change.
- Peridot to release old patterns, embrace new beginnings, and attract prosperity into your life. It’s especially helpful during times of transition.
-Properties: Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding and protective stone. It helps to transmute negative energy into positive, stabilizing energy and promotes emotional calm. It is associated with the root chakra, providing a sense of security and balance.
- Smoky Quartz can be used to stay grounded as the seasons change. It’s also a great stone to work with if you’re feeling overwhelmed or in need of emotional stability.
- Properties: Carnelian is a stone of motivation, courage, and vitality. It is connected to the sacral chakra and is known for boosting creativity, confidence, and passion. Carnelian also helps to dispel fears and increase personal power.
- Carnelian in September to ignite your inner fire, enhance your creative projects, and build up the energy needed to pursue your goals as the year progresses.
Herbs for September:
- Properties: Sage is a powerful cleansing and purifying herb. It is often used in smudging rituals to clear negative energy from a space, person, or object. Sage also has protective qualities and is known for its ability to enhance spiritual awareness.
-Incorporate sage into your rituals or meditations during September to cleanse your space, protect your energy, and prepare for the introspective energies of autumn.
- Properties: Rosemary is an herb of remembrance, protection, and clarity. It is often used to enhance memory, purify spaces, and promote mental clarity. Rosemary is also associated with loyalty and devotion, making it a powerful herb for strengthening relationships.
-Use rosemary in your home or in rituals to enhance focus, boost memory, and protect against negative influences. It’s also great for creating sacred space before meditation or spiritual work.
-Properties: Chamomile is known for its calming and soothing effects. It is often used in teas to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and encourage restful sleep. Chamomile also has protective qualities and can be used in rituals for peace and tranquility.
- Drink chamomile tea or use chamomile in rituals to promote inner peace, relaxation, and emotional balance, especially as you transition into the more introspective season of autumn.
-Properties: Mugwort is an herb associated with dreams, intuition, and psychic protection. It is often used to enhance dreams, promote lucid dreaming, and stimulate the third eye chakra. Mugwort is also a protective herb, often used in rituals for spiritual defense.
- Incorporate mugwort into your nightly routine to enhance your dream work or use it in rituals to strengthen your intuition and protect your spiritual practice.
-Properties: Thyme is an herb of courage, purification, and healing. It is often used in rituals to promote bravery, cleanse the air, and heal both physical and emotional wounds. Thyme is also associated with bringing luck and protection.
-Use thyme in your home to cleanse and purify your space, or in rituals to promote courage and resilience as you face new challenges during the changing seasons.
Crystals associated with the Virgo new moon and Pisces full moon lunar Eclipse
Crystals associated with the Virgo New Moon and Pisces can help you align with the distinct energies of these astrological influences, enhancing your spiritual practices, intentions, and emotional well-being.
Crystals for the Virgo New Moon:
-Properties: Amazonite is a soothing stone that promotes clarity, truth, and communication. It helps to align your intentions with your highest truth and supports emotional balance, making it an ideal crystal for Virgo’s practical and detail-oriented energy.
- Use Amazonite during the Virgo New Moon to set clear and honest intentions, especially related to health, work, and communication.
-Properties: Green Aventurine is a stone of prosperity, growth, and new beginnings. It’s also known for its healing and calming properties, which align well with Virgo’s focus on health and wellness.
- Meditate with Green Aventurine during the Virgo New Moon to encourage positive changes, new opportunities, and to support your physical and emotional healing.
-Properties: Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It is particularly good for focus, concentration, and decision-making, aligning perfectly with Virgo’s analytical nature.
- Work with Fluorite during the Virgo New Moon to enhance your focus, organize your thoughts, and bring clarity to your intentions.
- Properties: Peridot is a crystal of renewal, growth, and clearing out negative patterns. It is linked to the heart chakra and helps to release emotional baggage, making it a powerful stone for setting intentions during the New Moon in Virgo.
- Incorporate Peridot in your New Moon rituals to clear out old energies, make space for new beginnings, and attract abundance into your life.
Crystals for Pisces:
- Properties: Amethyst is a spiritual stone associated with intuition, protection, and higher consciousness. It is deeply connected to Pisces’ energy, enhancing spiritual awareness and emotional balance.
- Use Amethyst to deepen your meditation practice, enhance your intuition, and protect your energy field, especially when exploring the emotional and spiritual realms associated with Pisces.
- Properties: Aquamarine is a calming and soothing stone that resonates with the ocean’s energy, aligning with Pisces’ watery nature. It is known for enhancing communication, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of peace.
- Work with Aquamarine to promote emotional healing, enhance your connection to the divine, and bring a sense of tranquility during periods of change or emotional intensity.
- Properties: Labradorite is a stone of transformation, intuition, and protection. It is often used to enhance psychic abilities and protect against negative energies, making it a perfect companion for Pisces.
- Meditate with Labradorite to enhance your psychic gifts, protect your aura, and navigate through the emotional and spiritual depths that Pisces energy often brings.
Moonstone: also a crystal for the Lunar eclipse:
- Properties: Moonstone is a crystal of intuition, emotional balance, and new beginnings. It is closely connected to the moon and feminine energy, making it a natural ally for Pisces’ intuitive and dreamy nature.
- Use Moonstone to enhance your intuition, support emotional healing, and connect with the cycles of the moon and your own inner rhythms.
Allison Shaw, Master Healer
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