November Forecast

November Forecast

Hello November! October brought us through a plethora of emotions and high energy especially with Eclipse season. November triggers the end of karmic cycles as we enter the threshold of the shadow of the eclipses. 


We’ve come through the last couple of months with 7 planets in retrograde, intensely active Solar activity (solar storms, CMEs, solar flares, schumann resonance activity) as well as a number of planetary shifts and alignments. Least to say it has been exponentially activating and life altering in many ways. As we have left Libra season and have now entered Scorpio season, which is ruled by Pluto (planet of destruction, rebirth and transformation), offering us the ambitious energy of Scorpio. This also brings in energy from Scorpio's ruling sign Pluto, in Capricorn which allows us to gain a deeper perspective on how we can grow, evolve and expand as individuals which benefits the collective energy immensely. The passionate water sign, Scorpio, this Season is a time to dive within and look at the darkest corners of our being and honor our shadow self. Learning to love all aspects of ourselves aka ‘dark side’ as we harnessed the energy of October Eclipses. The past few weeks was to show us that the light cannot exist without the dark and visa versa, so we must lovingly embrace all parts of ourselves, take responsibility for ourselves and know that being human is about learning evolving and most importantly loving not only the loving parts of us but also the parts that are guarded, angry, hurt, bitter etc., for it is what makes us human afterall. Scorpio season may bring themes around the cycles of life: death & rebirth, release & new beginnings, and passionate transformation, like a phoenix (also a scorpio totem), rising from the ashes, now is the time to burn away all that is no longer serving you and rise to your highest path in your full glory and success.
Understanding ourselves brings in radical change whether we are ready or not as it pushes us to flow with the change necessary on our path of expansion. The more we resist necessary change and expansion the more challenging it feels as resistance puts up blockages in what is meant to be deeply transformative. This month will be a lot of “trust in the flow”, kind of vibe. Emotions may run high so practice mindfulness and be very self aware of how you are feeling and why as anything that triggers feelings of annoyance, frustration, reactiveness, is guiding you within to complete the clearing of what no longer is aligned. Grieve the old you as a new you is being born and needs your undivided love, support and openness. We have to give ourselves permission to move forward and to allow forgiveness of self and others so we are not carrying the past with us unnecessarily as it can keep us stuck. Allow your feelings and emotions to guide you to what needs to be released once and for all in order to make room for the new vibes aka higher aligned vibes.   
Take time to reflect what it is you were shown over the past couple of months in order to allow change to happen. Especially with 5 planets still retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn (goes direct Nov 4th), Chiron, Uranus and Neptune; see Aug and Sept blogs for more details about the retrogrades and their individual affects/meaning. Remember, retrogrades are a time to review, revise and reflect on what changes are needed in your life for your betterment. This past month has pushed every proverbial trigger button to push us out of our comfort zones and propel us towards clearing, purging and releasing so we can make room for the higher frequencies to integrate. If you have been feeling out of sorts, moody, irritable, emotional etc.Congratulations, you have been purging! In order for new/high vibrational energy to come forward we had to let go of the outdated aspects of life ie: unhealthy relationships with self and others (romantic, friendships, family, business), outdated belief systems, toxic limiting behaviors/actions/thoughts/emotions, taking responsibility for yourself (where you need to heal, how you perceive yourself and the world/people around you, where you need to make changes within). This exponentially transformative energy has not been easy and also added physical changes/disruptions to our lives as well (feeling unwell, exhaustion,joint aches, headaches/lightheadedness, blurred vision, stomach/digestive issues, sleep issues and many more. We must remember this all happens for us to allow the necessary change and transformation. This month is all about integration especially after eclipse season and many shifts continue throughout the month leading to new beginnings.  
The timeline you are in is a choice, whether you choose to align with the higher vibration (new Earth/ 5D/ Love energy) or not is always about choice. We have been placed in a powerful place of karmic completion as Saturn (Lord of Karma), goes direct the first week of November 4th. Saturn retrograde (discussed in previous blogs) has guided or pushed us to “fix up”, meaning to admit to ourselves where our own issues persist and control us ie: our behaviors and triggers and how we deal with them in order to heal; where/what you focus your attention, where you judge others (and self) harshly. It is important to gain understanding that when things outside of you set you off/trigger you that is a direct push to go within. When others behaviors/actions trigger us, then it is a “you” problem as you are responsible for yourself. We are a unity consciousness experiencing life with human emotions and feelings and it is up to us to learn and navigate through our journey in order for each of us to align with our Source self. At the end of the day we cannot expect others to be, act, behave in ways that WE want for our comfort as we all see and live life through our own life experiences. We are being asked to be so unbothered by things out of our control, that our automatic response to any given situation that is not aligned is to come from love and our own alignment. Learning through every experience, interaction, or situation is empowerment and keeps you in your alignment rather than allowing others to dictate how you feel due to their behaviors or actions. When you are aligned you feel peace and undisturbed, it's only when we are not in alignment that we feel the pull of 3D lower vibes. It is part of our learning curve as humans to recognize when we are aligned and when we are not and what our “human” needs to learn from the situation, experience or issues at hand. With Saturn going direct you will have hopefully learned the hard lessons and have come to terms with what you needed to understand.   
With Saturn direct, you will feel more motivation to be productive, and feel less limited, giving you a sense of freedom in being your authentic self and truly feeling aligned with your higher self and intuition. 
The spiritual meaning of November brings in numbers 9 (as the 9th month in the astrological calendar) and number 11 (as the 11th month in the calendar year), offering energies of ending cycles and new beginnings. 9 is considered a symbol of completion, endings and spiritual enlightenment as well as representing harmony, unity, love, clarity and compassion. Number 11 is a master number representing a Soul number representing your unique connected although individual spiritual journey. It is a number of connecting to your higher purpose and beginning a new chapter. 11 connects you to a higher source of wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and a deeper understanding of cosmic truths. In Tarot, 9 represents The Hermit, giving meaning to a phase of introspection, looking within and taking time for inner reflection. 11 represents Justice, offering success, fairness, truth and taking responsibility for yourself.
The beautiful yellow Topaz and Citrine are the gemstones for November offering support in trusting yourself and the Universe as well as asking you to focus more on being than doing. Where Citrine offers the energy of success and abundance supported by positivity and optimism. November also represents the totem animal the Scorpion, representing patience, passion and power. The flower of November is Chrysanthemums and have many different meanings due the the variety of colors, but overall it represents loyalty and honesty, truth, justice, joy and good luck. 
November 8th Venus enters Libra until December 8th
This is a beautiful copartnership as Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra, offers opportunity to recalibrate our scales of justice (which are Libras symbol), having us seeking balance as we recalibrate. This plays a part in relationships that are no longer aligned and need to be closed out whether it's friendships, romantic or family. You may be pulled by compulsive romantic tendencies with past lovers or get caught up in situationships due to the unhealed aspects of your ego, so be mindful before making any choices that keep you in an unhealthy cycle. But this can also be an auspicious time for love and abundance towards the end of November if you allow the fluidity of change to happen. 
November 13th New Moon in Scorpio 
This new Moon in Scorpio offers a time of profound emotional transformation, clearing and allowing the Universe to be your co-pilot. Scorpio helps us understand our hidden truths, including our unconscious patterns, self sabotaging behaviors/thoughts, what we wish to achieve and what brings us satisfaction. This new Moon is all about understanding our authentic truth and how we choose to live our lives. Scorpio heightens our emotions as well as intuition which can be a volatile mix when not fully understood or seen through our Source self/higher self. 
It’s a time to express what we need, desire, and are ready for in our lives. It’s also a time to listen to the truth of our intuition. Scorpio heightens both our emotions and intuitive, ruled by the eighth house of rebirth and transformation and enigmatic Pluto, which explains why Scorpio is so guarded and misunderstood. Planting seeds of intention as well as an excellent time to focus on shadow work, or the process of examining and clearing any lingering unhealthy attachments, unconscious patterns, habits, traumas, and fears in order to integrate the higher vibrational energy. 
November 27th Full Moon in Gemini
As we prepare to leave November this full Moon will be a great time to reassess your routine in order to ensure you are taking time to find balance in body, mind and Soul while sorting through plans and new avenues of renewal. Looking at ways to find balance in your daily life while validating your heart and drive to be aligned in your highest good. Don't allow confusion to cloud your higher vibrational guidance as we shift through the plethora of emotions over this month and, rather, allow our higher (inner) guide to direct us towards emotional balance. Don't get stuck in old emotions, situations, triggers, and instead learn the lessons you were being taught while lovingly aligning with your inner strength and power which will lead you to your highest purpose. 
We still have retrogrades in play and need to remember retrogrades are a reminder that life, healing, transformation and expansion are not linear, therefore it is vital to allow yourself to flow with these energies and allow them to show you what they need you to see. Retrogrades challenge us to review, revise and reassess certain aspects of our lives, addressing any unresolved issues that need to be seen and cleared. 
Each retrograde has its specific purpose and understanding them helps you to work with their energy. It is important to know where each planet is in your birthchart as it brings much deeper introspection into how each retrograde influences you and the lessons you are meant to understand. Below is a quick breakdown of the vibe each planetary retrograde brings:
Pluto in Aquarius and Capricorn: (Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime) Planet of transformation, rebirth, renewal and regeneration. Reclaiming your personal power, reflect on your thoughts, feelings, emotions and what changes need to be made for your highest good.
Saturn in Pisces: (direct Nov 4th) Planet of lessons, boundaries, moral obligation and authority; deepen your connection with your higher self, inner healing, letting go of disempowering/limiting thoughts/emotions/beliefs and embrace spiritual growth.
Neptune in Pisces: Planet of dreams, inspiration, mysticism and illusion; guiding us to practice mindfulness, see from a higher perspective, deeper healing, working towards feeling safe and secure from within through spiritual practices ie: mindfulness, meditation, shadow work etc. dissolving limiting belief systems 
Jupiter in Taurus: Planet of expansion, growth, healing, prosperity and miracles; deepen your connection of self worth/self love, raising awareness beyond the material world in alignment and allowing higher learning through your connection with your Spirit team.
Uranus in Taurus: Planet of innovation, progressiveness, ingenuity, great transformation; guiding you to release limitations and embrace change, explore new possibilities, finding balance and breaking free from stagnancy; be flexible and flow with healthy change.
Chiron (the asteroid) in Aries: Planet of deep emotional and spiritual wounds known as the “wounded healer”; the mythology says Chirons' wounds paved the way for his role as a powerful healer allowing them to guide him into his personal power through wisdom, compassion and light - The wound is where the light enters you - Rumi; asks you to cleanse and let go of the 3D ego; releasing all that has held you emotionally hostage/stagnant; clearing your way to balance and self realizations; understanding that your healing not only heals you but others as well
It is important to know where Planets placements are located in your birthchart in order to utilize these energies for your benefit (check out our “Birth Date reading to help you gain an in depth understanding of the meaning of your birth date)
We have been on a continuous ride of high vibrational ascension energies entering our planet and every living being is feeling it. This has challenged all of us to do some deep inner work necessary for our expansion and growth. Take some time to do your research and tap into the high vibrations coming forward as they will be getting stronger and more powerful.
 As we have been challenged and can feel a rollercoaster of emotions it's important to take care of your overall well-being and have your healing tools in place.   
*It's extremely important to use your healthy toolbox in order to prepare for the days you feel the blahs. What do you enjoy doing? Have a mental (or journal or schedule), plan for the times you feel the ick sneaking in. Generally I teach my clients about ways to plan and what they can put in their proverbial bunker in support of self empowerment. 
Listed below are a few tools:
Call on your circle of trust (those 1 to 3 people who you truly trust) The ones you know who understand you and who have the ability to help lift your spirits or simply listen without judgment. We must remember we cannot help others by suffering with them. If you are feeling the blues and start talking about all the things you view as “bad/wrong” in your life, your circle will be the ones to point out the “good/positive” in your life. To hold space for you to communicate, release and give you the space to express what you are feeling. The ones who will hold the optimism rather than jump on the misery train with you. Sometimes it's a simple I love you and you're not alone or a swift kick in the ass to let them know they are wallowing. But at the end of the day it's all based on trust and a healthy relationship with your circle, give and take and authenticity. Who is your circle of trust?
Have a playlist of your favorite uplifting music/movies/shows, a list of your favorite uplifting books, new healthy recipes you want to try, things you've been waiting to try ie: skating, making snow angels, volunteering at a shelter or nursing home, even being neighborly and shoveling someones' driveway. If you are crafty or would like to be, try creating some artwork , whether it's painting, drawing, poetry, journaling, a book of memoirs, what ever you feel drawn to. There are many ways in which we can make positive uplifting choices with an added benefit of possibly helping others if we are so inclined to do so. What are some of your favorite uplifting songs, activities, books, movies?   
Create a video journal while you are in good spirits. Talk to yourself like you would a friend, even record it with a friend. Remind yourself of your strengths, all you have to be grateful for, the things you admire most about yourself, be your own cheerleader, guru and express how proud you are of yourself. There is a drastic unequivocal difference between being cocky/arrogant and confident/self aware, so it is important to understand your feeling and expressing to yourself you are friggin amazing is self love. 
What self love/self care actions do you take for yourself? Remember self love/self care is anything from a shower meditation to going for a massage, to mirror work, to reading a book, using things you may be waiting to use for a special occasion. There are a plethora of ways to incorporate self love/self care in your life and it's important to know what that looks like for you. It can be simple or extravagant, whatever feels good to you. 
Take your vitamins. Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin C to help your body. Eating a balanced diet is always best and you can add fruits and herbs to your water to help as well. Moderate exercise, walking, stretching, Tai Chi, yoga, breathing exercises, anything that includes movement is an extremely healthy addition to your day. What can you add to your day to help your body?
A few helpful crystals and herbs for the Full Moon in Gemini:
**It is advised not to charge your crystals during a new moon accompanied by a Solar Eclipse** 
Don't forget your affirmations: 
Remember, be extra mindful during the new moon/Solar Eclipse as it is not a time for manifesting
Due to both the Solar New Moon Eclipse and the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse offers an ideal time to work with your Chakras to help you align 
Crown Chakra: 
I Know my alignment is effortless; I Know in my alignment; I Know my worth 
3RD Eye Chakra:
I See life through my alignment; I See the value I have in this life; I See the love 
Throat Chakra:
I Speak in alignment; I Speak with love; I Speak my authentic truth
Heart Chakra:
I Love my alignment; I Love myself unconditionally; I Love life fearlessly and fully
Solar Plexus Chakra: 
I Do trust in my alignment; I Do understand my co-creative power; I Do my best daily 
Sacral Chakra:
I Feel strength and love in my alignment; I Feel balanced; I Feel loved and loving 
Root Chakra:  
I Am aligned with my highest vibration; I Am balance; I Am grounded in love, light and bliss
I am not afraid to let go of that which does not serve my highest good.
I compassionately release the old to make room for the new.
As I breathe, I feel one with all of life.
It's safe for me to let go of the past.
I embrace change.
I release my attachment to outcomes as I enjoy this present moment fully.
I honor and respect the season of life that I'm in.
Letting go doesn't diminish my past experiences and what they meant to me.
By forgiving myself, I am practicing patience.
I always make choices that align with my highest good
I release all resistance to change 
I allow myself to be in the vibration of love
I allow myself to move forward for my highest good
I freely and lovingly release all that does not serve me
I clear and release everything less than love
I surrender everything that is not aligned with my authentic self
I choose to align with the highest vibration of love
I release everything but alignment
I release the desire to prove myself to others
I honor who I am
I allow myself to flow with the necessary changes happening
I choose love over everything else
I effortlessly and easily flow in alignment
I choose to be the vibration of love and light
I trust in the Universe 
I believe in myself and trust the process 
I am exactly where I need to be
I only allow authentic loving relationships in my life 
I choose to create an environment of overall well-being
I allow myself to receive all the blessings of the Universe
I am ready to embrace new beginnings
I choose to feel gratitude and appreciation for myself and others. 
I walk the path of least resistance.  
I see through the shadows of limitations.
I can clearly see the path towards my highest vibration
I feel gratitude and appreciation for all I have and all that is on its way 
I have released all attachments and 3D programming
Everything I need comes to me easily and effortlessly.
Patience brings me into recognition of and alignment to my highest purpose. 
All my needs are met even though I may not see them in the outer world I open my heart in receiving.
*Remember everything we do is about intention so be mindful of what you are using your energy for (directing your energy towards), when working with the moon energies. Full moons are wonderful to celebrate and reflect on how far you have come, releasing all that no longer serves you, understanding what lies beneath emotions/feelings/actions, seeing from a higher perspective and practicing gratitude.  
It's important to remember we feel the Moon's energy 3 days before and 3 days after the celestial event takes place (both of Full and New Moons). 
You can charge and clear your stones under this full moon by placing them outside or on a windowsill in the light of the moon. You can also make moon water with both the full and new moon energies. Simply place a glass container of water (spring water or even lake water are best), in a place where the light of the moon will shine on the container (as temperatures are cold be careful as glass will break, can place out for a couple of hours before midnight or leave in a windowsill inside overnight). You can use colored glass for an extra umph if you want to use the water for specific things. I make moon water when I am working with certain chakras ie: orange glass for sacral. If you are using spring water or distilled water you can drink it or add it to your bathwater for a spiritual bath. I have used a blue glass container when working with my throat chakra to support speaking my truth and drink a shot of it each morning. You can use moon water in anointing candles, empowering crystal energy, place on an altar, spritz your face with some to help clarity, drip a few drops in your palms when using mudras, drip a few drops on your crown chakra or 3d eye for a deeper meditation, get creative and use it for whatever you feel beneficial. 
**It's not advised to make moon water or charge crystal under certain full moons ie: when there is an eclipse    
Please remember to set yourself up for success and use your healthy tools to help keep you balanced and aligned. We all have our ups and downs but the more we prepare and have a game plan in order to work with the down days, the more we empower ourselves for our highest good. 
We are still in deep ascension energies which play a huge role in how we are feeling and how we work with the energies at hand. There are extremely high frequency energies coming in daily which are felt within and all around us. For more information and all you need to know about the Ascension and what it all means check out our Ascension eBook.

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